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Dynamic Purchasing System for Provision of Non-Emergency Transport and other Transport Services Reference number: LPP/2019/007



Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (as host of the NHS London Procurement Partnership) is seeking to establish a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the provision of non-emergency transport and other transport services.<br/>The DPS will allow for NHS and wider public sector organisations to procure non-emergency transport and other transport services.<br/>The DPS shall be open to LPP member bodies (whether full, associate or other members) as listed at: and any new LPP members for the duration of the DPS Contract; plus any other NHS bodies and all other Public Sector bodies located in the UK and Channel Islands, subject to approval of LPP, Including but not limited to:<br/>Partnership in Procurement collaborative hub members (NHS East of England, NHS Commercial Solutions, NHS North of England Procurement Hub).<br/>Further information of organisations that can access the DPS can be found at II.2.4). Lot 1: The purpose of this DPS will be to provide the public sector with a mechanism to procure non-emergency<br/>transport and other transport services. The DPS will be split into several service categories and regions in the<br/>UK. <br/>The categories covered under the DPS at this stage includes, but is not limited to the following:<br/>Category 1: Booking and Eligibility Assessment Services;<br/>Category 2: Core Patient Transport Services;<br/>Category 3: Mental Health and Secure Transport Services;<br/>Category 4: High Dependency Transport Services;<br/>Category 5: Taxi and Passenger Transport Services.<br/>Additional categories may be added at a future date.<br/>To register interest and apply to the DPS please follow this link:<br/><br/>In the initial stage, all suppliers who meet the selection criteria will be admitted to the DPS with no limit on the number of suppliers per category.<br/>Individual contracts are awarded during the second stage where contracting authorities will invite all suppliers on the DP.


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5 months ago

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NHS London Procurement Partnership

Ms Ashwaq Fraser

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