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Jubilee Steps Handrail



22,500 GBP


This contract scope is as follows: 1. Undertake Site survey to agree final design details with the assistance of the Project Landscape Architect. The site survey will be informed by the 2022 Topographical Survey which shows full details on site levels. 2. Removal of existing kee-klamp handrail plus disposal at licensed recycling centre - approximately 160 linear metres - including removal of footings where these are likely to impede installation of the new handrail posts. 3. Manufacture, supply and install on site of new hand forged steel handrail. On-site welding and forming of the top rail will be required to ensure the handrail follows the path alignment precisely and that the turns at the end of every run are dealt with suitably either by termination of the handrail and a break in the run or a continuous handrail following the corner alignment exactly. Final design details are still in preparation and would be developed with the appointed contractor. The current handrail measures approximately 160 linear metres and all of this will need to be replaced however it is likely that this will be extended slightly to include a steep path which is immediately adjacent. Specification 25mm solid square uprights concreted in every 1.5m and a 40 x 12mm convex top handrail height 900mm All support posts are to have extended legs to allow for root fixing into concrete pads set into the steep slope below the path, total length of support posts is estimated at 1500mm. Exact dimensions of footings to be agreed with installer. We anticipate that the finish required will be a traditional paint system, with primer, undercoat, and topcoat (black painted) - not galvanised, due to the amount of on-site welding required. Please supply as part of your tender return: 1. Lump sum cost for items 1,2, and 3 above based on a total length of 160 lm, and 2. A unit rate to be applied with regard to any extension to this quantity (estimated, a further 20 - 30lm) 3. Confirmation of your ability to meet the project timescale 4. Information on and references for relevant / similar schemes undertaken within the last 5 years 5. A programme for the work. Further information Further information can be obtained from Sybille Maddock or Aileen Shackell We would expect those tendering to undertake a site visit in order to fully understand site conditions prior to submitting tenders. The site is open to the the public with no restrictions to access and the Town Council can offer accompanied visits should this be required, or contractors may visit on their own. Any questions or queries should be submitted no later than 2 weeks prior to the closing dates and all queries and responses will be circulated to all of those who have expressed an interest in the contract. See site description attachment for further information.


Publish date

2 years ago

Close date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Shaftesbury Town Council

Sybille Maddock

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