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CCS047 Provision of Block Contract for Residential Placements for Children in Care - Further Soft Market Testing (round 2)



67,500,000 GBP


THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION. Derbyshire County Council (the Council) seeks to commission a number of residential children's home placements which offer high quality care and excellent outcomes for children in care. The number of children who live in care is rising nationally, with Derbyshire being no exception, rates of children entering care continue to rise year on year, having increased considerably since 2020. Residential care is not the most appropriate option for many children in care, with fostering and connected care being a better option for most. However, where children's needs are best met by a residential home it is better if that home is local to them and well connected with the Child's team of professionals and related networks. The Council has a statutory duty to provide sufficient and suitable supplier provided accommodation for children in care and to improve outcomes for this vulnerable group of children. There are several children's residential homes managed by the Council, however in 2022 this met approximately 25% of the Derbyshire's requirements with the Council commissioning approximately 75% through external Service Providers.


Publish date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Derbyshire County Council

Ellena Outram

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