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Technical analysis or consultancy services



5,000,000 GBP


Appointment of a panel of suppliers for the provision of technical and business support to Highland and Islands Airports Ltd air traffic management, air traffic engineering and airport operations and to projects and programmes such as the air traffic management strategy programme. This lot incorporates all of the services described above in Lots 1 – 8. The maximum value of call-off contracts under this lot shall be 20 000 GBP. Examples of the types of requirements that may be called-off under this lot include: — responses to CAA and Department for Transport Public Consultations, — preparation of responses to calls for evidence from CAA, Department for Transport and regulatory bodies, — discrete benchmarking and audit exercises, — research and development projects which have a defined, limited scope, — safety surveys in response to identified trends, — feasibility studies, — drafting business cases and project briefs, — support for smaller procurement procedures, — project management for smaller projects, — providing additional technical resources in periods of peak demand. Suppliers must provide and keep updated a list supplier staff proposed for this lot, the service description under which that each member of supplier staff can provide services, and the specialisms of each member of supplier staff. Provision of secondee(s) to the ATMS programme to assist the ATC Project Manager in delivery of the ATMS programme; This Lot incorporates support for Regulatory, Policy and Planning activities, including but not limited to the following types of Services and/or Deliverables: — Support for the introduction of controlled airspace under CAP1616 (other than airspace change proposals connected to instrument flight procedures which are included in Lot 8 below), — Airspace design, — Strategy and policy advice and support in connection with regulatory requirements (e.g. UK CAA, EASA) and standards (e.g. EUROCAE), — Consideration and advice on implementation of strategies emanating from SESAR, CANSO and ICAO on all aspects of air traffic management, — Feasibility studies and recommendations for internal re-structuring and improvement, — Advice on data and digitisation, — Support to identify and develop innovative technical solutions to optimise a more flexible and improved ATM/CNS architecture, — Independent audits or surveys to confirm compliance with regulatory requirements, company policy and/or industry best practice, — Advice on security of aerodromes, towers, and remote air traffic management centre. This Lot incorporates the following services: — Determine end-user and system requirements: — Develop contract specifications, — Support and preparation of procurement documents, — Support for evaluation of tenders, — Project management for procurement projects. This Lot incorporates the following services: — Conduct measurements of Safety Culture and make recommendations to improve safety systems and safety performance, — Recommend improvements to business performance and operational capability, — Advise on the implementation of safety systems to enhance HIAL's performance, — Benchmarking of Safety Management Systems This Lot incorporates the following services: — Provide support in the assessment of human factors impact on HIAL's operations, — Carry out human factors assessments in support of the delivery of HIAL’s ATMS programme, which involves significant innovation and solutions which may be new to the UK regulatory environment. Data and Networking consultancy for Feasibility work and design of network topology for CNS. This Lot incorporates the following services: — Recommendations and proposals in connection with Cybersecurity controls under CAP1574, — Cybersecurity audit and assurance for ATM. 13.1. HIAL’s principal requirements for ATE Services are satisfied under a term contract for engineering and maintenance services. This Lot includes additional services for ATE consultancy and project services which are outwith the scope of, or cannot be provided under the term engineering contract. This Lot incorporates the following services: — Independent consultant support on air traffic engineering related equipment and systems procurements, — Development of conformity and interoperability assessment processes to demonstrate compliance with applicable regulations for a wide range of ATM/CNS systems, — Fixed term management support services for ATE/CNS related systems and service provision, — Advice on the delivery and procurement of ATE/CNS engineering support services. 14.1. This Lot incorporates the following services: — 5 Yearly Instrument Flight Procedure Reviews, — Migration of RNAV MAP holds to full RNAV, — Consultant support for conventional and RNAV procedures, — Additional Instrument Flight Procedure for new navigation aids, — Re-design of existing IFP using alternative or relocated navigation aids, — Design of BaroVNAV procedures, — Discrete procedures for FISO units;, — Co-ordination of Formal Agreements as part of ADQ IR73/2010, — Airspace change connected to IFP changes, — Safeguarding (Carrying out and reviewing flight procedure impact assessments). This Lot incorporates the following services: — Development of and/or support to safety assessments and safety cases, — Review and assurance of safety case materials supplied by third parties, — Strategic advice and innovation in the delivery of safety evidence and associated arguments.


Publish date

6 years ago

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5 years ago

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Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd

Jennifer Marshall

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