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PQ0575 - Mental Health & Wellbeing Promotion Programme



The Council requires a supplier for the development and delivery of the Mental Health & Wellbeing Promotion Programme 2025. The Mental Health & Wellbeing Promotion Programme seeks to address mental health literacy by focusing on the mental health and wellbeing experiences and support mechanisms of Birmingham residents, so that more people feel empowered to talk about their mental health, seek out community-based resources, and identify new ways to support their mental health and wellbeing. The programme will spotlight the written and audio-visual testimonials of approximately 5-10 mental health and wellbeing advocates in Birmingham. The advocates will serve as spokespeople for the programme, sharing community-based resources, as well as their personal mental health and wellbeing experiences and support mechanisms, specifically related to the NHS 5 Ways to Wellbeing themes: o Connect with other people o Be physically active o Learn new skills o Give to others o Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness) Leveraging these testimonials, as well as those collected from event attendees, the programme will promote a new, comprehensive digital repository/platform, where Birmingham residents can explore community-based resources, discover new ways to support their mental health and wellbeing, and share their own mental health and wellbeing experiences and support mechanisms, uploading personal testimonials and accompanying photographs to the repository/platform. Target Audience All citizens of Birmingham with special emphasis on o Individuals from Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Black British, Black Caribbean, and Black African backgrounds, and o LGBTQ+ communities because these populations are disproportionally impacted by mental health and wellbeing inequalities, such as direct and indirect discrimination and access to care. The Mental Health & Wellbeing Promotion Programme will begin on 27 January and end on 30 June 2025 and will be implemented in two distinct phases. The Council will be using its free to use e-tendering system (in-tend) for the administration of this procurement process and potential suppliers must register with the system to be able to express an interest. If you wish to express an interest in this opportunity, please click on the following link to access and submit your details to register. You will then be able to log on which will enable you to download all relevant quotation documentation. If you are unable to register with In-tend or have any questions or problems on how to use this web site please either email us at: Your completed tender submission should be returned by noon on 8th January 2025 via the 'in-tend' system Additional information: If you are interested in tendering please click on the following link to access Birmingham City Council's tender Portal. Delivery Notes Birmingham Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


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3 months ago

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2 months ago

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Birmingham City Council

Commercial and Procurement Services

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