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GMCA 1386 - Greater Manchester Housing First and Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme



- Housing First Programme Housing First is an innovative approach that prioritises providing stable, permanent housing to individuals experiencing prolonged homelessness and co-occurring conditions. The core principle of Housing First is that housing is a fundamental human right and should not be contingent on compliance with treatment or sobriety. The Housing First fidelity principles are essential to ensure the effectiveness of Housing First services. These principles are designed to support individuals experiencing homelessness, particularly those with complex needs we expect any interested provider to fully endorse and demonstrate their belief in these key principles: 1. Housing as a Basic Human Right: Immediate access to housing without preconditions such as sobriety or participation in treatment. 2. Person-Centred Support: Tailored support based on individual needs, preferences, and goals. 3. Separation of Housing and Services: Housing is provided independently of support services, ensuring that losing housing is not a consequence of not engaging with services. 4. Recovery-Oriented Approach: Focus on recovery and well-being, supporting individuals to build a meaningful and satisfying life. 5. Harm Reduction: Support individuals in reducing the negative impacts of substance use and other risky behaviours, without requiring abstinence. 6. Active Engagement without Coercion: Building relationships and trust through consistent, non-coercive engagement. 7. Flexible Support for as Long as Needed: Providing support for as long as it is needed, with no time limits - Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme As RSAP 1 and 2 enter the final stage of property procurement means there will be circa 50-60 tenancies to support across the Greater Manchester Region. Support ratios are intended to be at 1:10. The tender is for revenue funding to provide intensive support to individuals transitioning from homelessness to stable housing. Key benefits of the RSAP include: 1. Provision of Move-On Homes: RSAP focuses on creating long-term housing solutions for rough sleepers, ensuring they have a stable place to live. 2. Intensive Support Services: The programme provides comprehensive support to address the complex needs of individuals to maintain their tenancies and improve their quality of life. 3. Collaboration: working with partners from a spectrum of services to coordinated approach to support Rough Sleepers 4. Community Integration: By providing stable housing and support, RSAP helps individuals reintegrate into their communities, fostering social inclusion and reducing isolation. Keywords: Homelessness , RSAP


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Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Drita Bamkallari

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