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PROC 818-2024 CMA Consumer Case Management system



About adding context and requirements test Pre-market engagement solution with the objective of requirement validation. These demos were provided by different CMA suppliers. A proof of concept with Nimbus has also been run over a 5 week period. Which phase the project is in Alpha Existing team The project team consists of a project manager, a technical architect, a business analyst and a case officer. It is assumed the Consumer case officew will become the product owner. Address where the work will be done The Cabot, 25 Cabot Square, London, E14 4QZ Working arrangements The supplier will expect to attend onsite as required. No expenses will be paid for work carried out at Cabot Square (Main office) any other travel will be paid in line with CMAs Travel and Subsistence policy. CMA core working times are 10-5, with agreed flexibility from time to time. The supplier will use their own devices, using Azure Virtual Desktop (also known as Windows Virtual Desktop) to access the CMA's network, Sharepoint folders and other required services. CMA-specific data should be processed and stored only within the confines of the CMA network (through Azure Virtual Desktop) Provide more information about your security requirements: Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) Provide more information about your security requirements: Security Check (SC) Provide more information about your security requirements (optional): All must have BPSS as a minimum. Preference for contractors to already hold SC clearance, however we would expect SC clearance process to be carried out at the supplier's expense. Latest start date 2024-07-01 Enter the expected contract length: 2 years Extension period: 1 year Special terms and conditions See Draft Order Form for further information Write the term or acronym: CMA Write the term or acronym: TBS Write the term or acronym: DT Write the term or acronym: DMCC Bill Explain the term or acronym: The Competitions and Markets Authority Explain the term or acronym: Technology and Business Solutions department Explain the term or acronym: Digital Transformation Explain the term or acronym: Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Bill Are you prepared to show your budget details?: No Confirm if you require a contracted out service or supply of resource Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply Summary of work The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is inviting suppliers to submit proposals for a solution to meet a business need for a Case Management System (CMS) including: * Consumer Case Management as detailed in this Statement of Requirement. * Other Case Management use cases. Subject to successful delivery it is expected that the solution will evolve and meet other emerging business needs across the CMA. The solution could therefore serve as a wider case management solution for other functions at the CMA. The CMA has a Digital Transformation (DT) programme seeking to make best use of digital tools and data to deliver its work in an efficient and collaborative manner. A key objective of the DT programme is to meet various case management needs across the CMA. This includes developing a digital template to increase the efficiency of teams and departments. There is a plethora of possible use cases for this across the CMA, which has many teams currently benefitting from the use of SharePoint to store documents, but without the advantages conferred by automation and real time reporting. Many departments expend considerable efforts to provide monthly reporting which the rollout of a case management solution would seek to streamline. In October 2023 the CMA launched a procurement to meet two business needs for the Mergers team, one of which included case and data management capabilities. The Consumer requirement (i.e. this procurement exercise) has broader, more complex case management capabilities. The intention is that the solution procured for Consumer could serve as a blueprint for the implementation of a CMS across the CMA, and ultimately deliver on the strategic objective of the Digital Transformation Programme. Where the supplied staff will work London Where the supplied staff will work No specific location (for example they can work remotely) Why the work is being done The CMA has statutory authority to enforce consumer protection legislation. The CMA’s Consumer function undertakes this work by collecting evidence about how business practices impact consumers in various sectors, investigating whether specific businesses are breaching the law and, where necessary, issuing sanctions to achieve redress and mitigate the risk of consumer harm. It is anticipated that the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer (DMCC) Bill, which is currently progressing through Parliament, will expand the CMA’s Consumer investigation and enforcement powers. For example, by allowing the CMA to decide whether a business has infringed the law without the need for referral to a Court, and to issue monetary penalties against businesses. The objective of this procurement is to provide the CMA’s Consumer function with a Case Management System which will support the effective and robust discharge of its consumer enforcement role. The Case Management System could also serve as the basis for a wider case management solution in other parts of the CMA. The Case Management System will provide an “end-to-end” information and investigation management tool, allowing Consumer to not only manage enforcement cases taken against specific businesses, but also facilitate its wider investigative and advocacy activities, such as the development of guidance for businesses and consumers. The new solution will improve team efficiency, provide opportunities for streamlining ways of working and automate processes (where possible). The business problem you need to solve The immediate and specific need is to provide a Case Management Solution for the CMA’s Consumer function encompassing: * Investigations and intelligence gathering: Storage, handling and management of information files, document creation, task management and sign-off. * Management of enforcement cases from initial intelligence gathering to Case Opening through to a Final Infringement Notice (and any subsequent appeal): Storage, handling and management of information files, transfer of relevant information from a project/wider intelligence gathering file to a separate enforcement case file, evidence analysis, disclosure of selected evidence to third parties, redaction of confidential information, document creation, task management and sign-off. * Remedy monitoring and reporting: Preparing updates on sanctions taken against businesses, communicating with businesses, report generation. First user type: CMA Front Line Staff Enter more details about this user type: The system will be used by CMA staff including delivery professionals, legal advisors, economists and support staff. Users will be carrying out functions such as 1) Setting up or managing the case 2) Allocating tasks 3) Reporting 4) Decision log and 5) Search and redacting documents Questions and Clarifications 0. Please could you confirm what document the "error" is referring to? Annex 8, this has been updated in the ITT Last Updated: <strong>28 March 2024, 18:11</strong> 1. Please can you confirm the Reference Letter template? The template can be found attached named Annex 3.B PROC 818-2024 Reference letter Last Updated: <strong>28 March 2024, 18:16</strong> 2. Please could you provide the Stage 1 documentation? as it appears to be missing from this ITT and only Stage 2 details have been provided Due to the issues with the platform the Bid packs where not created and published automatically. These where published in excel and word form Thursday 20 March followed by a format which suppliers should be used to seeing. These have now also been followed up with a V2 (this is at the end of the document name) following some of the clarification questions made. Last Updated: <strong>2024-03-28T17:55:06.2171Z</strong> 3. Are you able to provide a clarification on budget available for this project? The request for a trial is over 2 weeks. If our approach is a low code no code platform requiring configuration, do you expect the delivery of the functional requirements outlined in the ITT available for the tender The CMA requires the trial to provide functionality which aligns to what was demonstrated during stage 2 (Award Criteria Question no. 11 and 12). The purpose of the trial includes verifying these responses. What is the anticipated budget for this project? All bids will be evaluated in respect of their ability to satisfy the functional and non-functional requirements, as well as their cost. The CMA expects all bids to demonstrate value for money. Last Updated: <strong>28 March 2024, 17:55</strong> 4. Can you confirm the name of the delivery partner who was engaged to carried out the DT programme? Cyber Duck Limited Last Updated: <strong>28 March 2024, 17:59</strong> 5. Can the authority confirm that annex 7 ITT acknowledgement needs completed by the 26th March? Annex 7 is needed by 18 Apr 24 as confirmation you wish to continue in stage 2. This framework has a way of capturing Stage 1 interest. Last Updated: <strong>28 March 2024, 18:00</strong> 6. Do the Stage 1 response needs to be in a specific format and what is the word count limits for Stage 1 questions? The template has been created and added to the ITT, the document name is Bid Pack - Attachment 3 Responses to Essential and Nice-to-have skills and experience V2. The response is limited to max 750 characters including spaces per question. Last Updated: <strong>28 March 2024, 18:04</strong> 7. Where you have requested examples of where our solution is currently in use, does this have to be in the UK or can it include other European countries, where it is used for more similar purposes to the clients? For the Essential skills and experience questions 1, 2 or 3 (a recent deployment of your solution) as a minimum CMA expects one of those recent deployment to be within the UK. For the Nice-to-have skills and experience question 1 (Central Government recent deployment of a solution) this is expected to be from within the UK. Last Updated: <strong>28 March 2024, 18:08</strong> 8. The request for a trial is over 2 weeks. If our approach is a low code no code platform requiring configuration, do you expect the delivery of the functional requirements outlined in the ITT available for the tender The CMA requires the trial to provide functionality which aligns to what was demonstrated during stage 2 (Award Criteria Question no. 11 and 12). The purpose of the trial includes verifying these responses. Last Updated: <strong>2024-03-28T18:09:07.19505Z</strong> 9. Please can you confirm which you require out of ISO 27001, ISO 27002 and Cyber Essentials? NF014 says "The solution will comply with ISO27001" and NF024 says "The Supplier must have and maintain a Cyber Essentials Certificate for the work undertaken under this contract in accordance with Call Off Schedule 26 (Cyber Essentials Scheme)." The newly released documents ask the question "Please confirm your compliance with cyber security standards and alignment with ISO 27002:2022. Shortlisted suppliers may be requested to supply evidence as proof." We require ISO 27001 (NF014) and Cyber Essentials Certificate (NF024). CMA will reword question 6 statement to say the below. Suppliers are to respond based on that. “ Please confirm your compliance with ISO27001 and/or Cyber Essentials Certificate as a minimum. Shortlisted suppliers may be requested to supply evidence as proof”. Last Updated: <strong>28 March 2024, 18:18</strong> 10. Can the response deadline be extended? CMA has extended this stage and the new close date is 09 April 2024 at 12:00. All the bid packs have been updated to reflect this. The time will be saved during stage 1 evaluation. Where the attachments have been updated these have been highlighted in yellow. Last Updated: <strong>28 March 2024, 18:29</strong>


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