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Maritime Mile Design Consultancy



250,000 GBP


NAC require a Lead Designer with a multidisciplinary consultancy service for the design and administration of civil works in relation to the public realm improvements along Irvine Harbourside, known as the Maritime Mile. The service will cover RIBA stages 2-4 from Outline Concept onwards, and also includes roles of a Principal Designer and Contract Administrator for construction works as stated in the Construction Design and Management (CDM) 2015 regulations. The Council is seeking a team that’s experienced in delivering high quality public streets and spaces with appropriate design qualifications. The total budget for the capital works is estimated at 6m GBP. The following terms conditions of contract apply: NEC4 Professional Services Contract (June 2017) – Pricing Option A, NAC Model Form Additional Contract Terms and NAC Exit Terms & Conditions. Please refer to PCS-Tender to access the documentation. Lot 1: NAC are looking to develop the next phase of the destination development project in Irvine known as the Great Harbour (GH), comprising of three activity hubs along the Harbourside and connections between them with public realm improvements, known as Maritime Mile (MM). The project is supported by Ayrshire Growth Deal (AGD) investment and seeks to promote the area as a tourism destination for Irvine and the wider Ayrshire Coast. NAC require a Lead Designer with a multidisciplinary consultancy service for the design and administration of civil works in relation to the public realm improvements along Irvine Harbourside, known as the Maritime Mile.


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a month ago

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9 days ago

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North Ayrshire Council


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