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GB-London: Synthetic Opioid Preparedness across London (MOPAC 1177, 1178, 1179)



MOPAC is procuring three services to better understand how resilience to synthetic opioids can be strengthened across London. This tender will be comprised of the following three lots: Lot 1: Assurance of local synthetic opioid preparedness plans - To collate and critically review available preparedness plans, within the London region, to identify and highlight examples of good practice. Lot 2: London resilience planning event  - To design and run a table-top exercise with key regional partners, using pre-prepared London-specific scenarios, identifying potential resilience gaps and supporting partners in understanding how to address them collaboratively. Lot 3: London needle and syringe exchange needs assessment - To address a critical knowledge gap regarding the need in London for needle exchange services (NEX) and the current provision. Insights generated will support the development of options for London around potential service models. Bidders can choose to bid on all available Lots or selectively bid on just the Lots that are relevant to their interests. Bidders can be awarded multiple lots. The total budget available across the 3 Lots is £39,000, allocated as follows: Lot 1: £9,000 Lot 2: £10,000 Lot 3: £20,000 Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.


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Mayors Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)


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