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Ardleigh Parish Grass Cutting and Maintenance Contracts



42,500 GBP


Tenders are invited for Ardleigh Parish Council (APC) Contracts to start on 1 April 2025. Bids will be considered from suitably qualified and experienced contractors, organisations or individuals for any or all of the items in a particular section. Quotations are requested on the basis of price per item per cut/attendance, with recommendations as to number of cuts/attendance expected to be required per year, where appropriate. Please also provide cost of additional or one- off work, which may be requested, with hourly rate. The agreed number of cuts will normally be stated in the contract issued. Some flexibility is needed to do extra work and to swap, reduce or increase visits if growing conditions dictate. Ardleigh Parish Council has a duty to promote biodiversity and has a policy promotion of biodiversity. This commitment includes minimising use of herbicides. Contractors are invited to include cost of alternatives to glyphosate in their bids. As part of their tender, bidders are requested to provide information about their commitment to working in a manner which enhances biodiversity, their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint, and/or other socially responsible or community-focussed elements of their operation. Deadline for tenders is midday 12 noon 21 February 2025. Tenders should be submitted by email to clearly headed 'Contract tender' with a PDF attachment. Please note that this mailbox will not be checked until bids close. Queries relating to the process or specifications can be addressed to or by phone to the Clerks on 01206 414989.


Publish date

2 months ago

Close date

21 days ago

Buyer information


Parish Clerk

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