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ID5230772 - UREGNI - CEO Office - Framework for Economic, Financial Consultancy and Other Professional Services



Grant Thornton (UK) LLP, Reckon LLP, Guidehouse Europe Limited, EUROPEAN ECONOMIC RESEARCH LIMITED, Mcc Economics Ltd, CEPA LLP, PA Consulting Services Ltd, NERA UK Ltd, First Economics Ltd, Gemserv Ltd, KPMG LLP, Finyx Consulting Ltd, CEPA LLP, PA Consulting Services Ltd, Gemserv Ltd, NERA UK Ltd, Guidehouse Europe Limited, Grant Thornton (UK) LLP, Reckon LLP, Mcc Economics Ltd, EUROPEAN ECONOMIC RESEARCH LIMITED, First Economics Ltd, CEPA LLP, Gemserv Ltd, NERA UK Ltd, Grant Thornton (UK) LLP, KPMG LLP, CEPA LLP, London Economics Limited, EUROPEAN ECONOMIC RESEARCH LIMITED, PA Consulting Services Ltd, d-fine Ltd, NERA UK Ltd, Gemserv Ltd, Guidehouse Europe Limited, Grant Thornton (UK) LLP, CEPA LLP, Gemserv Ltd, SIA PARTNERS UK PLC, Guidehouse Europe Limited, Grant Thornton (UK) LLP, PA Consulting Services Ltd, NERA UK Ltd, LANE CLARK PEACOCK LLP, Grant Thornton (UK) LLP, Gemserv Ltd, CEPA LLP, LANE CLARK PEACOCK LLP, NERA UK Ltd, Perceptive Insight Market Research Ltd, Cognisense Ltd, London Economics Limited, Guidehouse Europe Limited, Grant Thornton (UK) LLP, Gemserv Ltd, LANE CLARK PEACOCK LLP, KPMG LLP, RBCA Ltd, Grant Thornton (UK) LLP, EUROPEAN ECONOMIC RESEARCH LIMITED, Reckon LLP, First Economics Ltd, CEPA LLP, PA Consulting Services Ltd, QMPF LLP, NERA UK Ltd, KPMG LLP, LANE CLARK PEACOCK LLP, NERA UK Ltd, RBCA Ltd, Gemserv Ltd, Finyx Consulting Ltd, LONG O DONNELL ASSOCIATES LIMITED, Action Renewables, SIA PARTNERS UK PLC, Guidehouse Europe Limited, RBCA Ltd, Ernst & Young LLP (EY), Gemserv Ltd, KPMG LLP, Guidehouse Europe Limited, CEPA LLP, LANE CLARK PEACOCK LLP, NERA UK Ltd, PA Consulting Services Ltd, SIA PARTNERS UK PLC, d-fine Ltd, Gemserv Ltd, Grant Thornton (UK) LLP


7,995,000 GBP


Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 1: Regulatory and Incentive Design Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 2: Competition and Market Behaviour Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 3: Cost Assessment Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 4: Economic Advice Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 5: Market Design United Kingdom, Ireland and International Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 6: Consumer Protection Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 7: Market Research Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 8: General Corporate Finance and Accounting Advice, Forensic Accounting, Taxation Energy and Water Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 9: Cost of Capital and Financeability, Capital Structure and PFI/PPP Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 10: Actuarial Advice Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 11: Audit Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 12: Project Management Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots Lot 13: Energy Systems Analysis and Modelling Utility Regulator has an ongoing need for consultancy and other professional services advice in support of the delivery of its work programme. The requirement set out in the specification is to establish a framework of suppliers for the provision of consultancy and other professional services in support of UR’s regulatory remit covering electricity, gas and water industries in Northern Ireland and their relationships, as needed, to markets in Great Britain, Ireland and Europe. The Department for the Economy (DfE) will also be able to avail of the framework and each of the lots as and when required. The framework will comprise 13 Lots


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4 months ago

Publish date

4 months ago

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Utility Regulator


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