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National Framework Agreement for the provision of Secure Patient Transport Services



360 Ambulance Service Ltd, Elite Medical and Ambulance Services Limited, ERS Transition trading as EMED Group Limited, Health Connections PTS Limited, Nerams Ltd, Pegasus Medical (1808) Limited, PROMETHEUS SAFE & SECURE LTD, Definitive PSA Limited trading as Secure 24 Limited, Secure Care UK Limited, Vcare24 Ltd


25,000,000 GBP


The Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust wishes to establish a Framework Agreement under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (and as amended) (the PSR) for use by all Relevant Authorities (and any future successors to these organisations). “Relevant authority” is defined in section 12ZB(7) of the National Health Service Act 2006. It means a combined authority, an integrated care board, a local authority in England, NHS England, an NHS foundation trust or an NHS trust established under section 25 of that Act. For the avoidance of doubt, any successor bodies of any of the above entities shall be entitled to place Orders and shall be deemed Relevant Authorities for the purposes of this Framework Agreement. This framework agreement aims to support mental health patient requirements through the provision of secure patient transport services. This framework will run for a term of 2 years with options to extend for up to a further 2 years in annual increments. Lot 1: DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The Supplier will provide secure patient transport services. The expected outcomes of the Services will be: • Provide patients with a safe, professional, and quality service which is appropriate to their needs. • Provide the appropriate vehicle and accompanying suitably qualified and experienced staff in a timely manner. • Convey patients to the appropriate destination in a vehicle suitable for their needs, ensuring their dignity and respect. • Provide a high-quality service based on individual patient needs which meets industry best practice and NICE guidance. • Provide an efficient, easy to use booking system for Contracting Authorities to utilise to minimise delays. • Provide all appropriate paperwork and service level reports in accordance with national and local requirements. • Eliminate aborted journeys/empty vehicles to provide a financially and environmentally sustainable service. REASON FOR NOTICE This is an intention to award notice to conclude a framework agreement using the competitive process. LIFETIME VALUE OF AGREEMENT £25,000,000 RELEVANT AUTHORITIES ABLE TO USE THE AGREEMENT The Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust wishes to establish a new Framework Agreement under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (and as amended) (the PSR) for use by all Relevant Authorities (and any future successors to these organisations). “Relevant authority” is defined in section 12ZB(7) of the National Health Service Act 2006. It means a combined authority, an integrated care board, a local authority in England, NHS England, an NHS foundation trust or an NHS trust established under section 25 of that Act. For the avoidance of doubt, any successor bodies of any of the above entities shall be entitled to place Orders and shall be deemed Relevant Authorities for the purposes of this Framework Agreement. DURATION OF AGREEMENT The framework will run for a term of 2 years with options to extend for up to a further 2 years in annual increments.


Award date

6 months ago

Publish date

5 months ago

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