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Provision of Sportswear



The University is seeking Contractor for the Provision of Sportswear. The supplier will provide a range of quality clothing for UWS Sport Staff, Sports Scholarship students and Team UWS Leisurewear. Design should be discrete, but complementary, within a very strong corporate styling that exudes quality and performance. Lot 1: UWS seeks to appoint a supplier who can: - Supply quality corporate sportswear for the duration of the contract. - Supply premium sports clothing, which is durable, functional, stylish, fitted and affordable. - Provide an excellent student experience in the provision of Sports Clothing at a cost which is attractive and excellent value to our students and staff at UWS. - Provide a professional, reliable and dedicated service to our students and staff. The scope of the services cover: - Team UWS Sports playing kit and leisurewear - University sport facility staff uniform - Sports scholarship students’ kit allocation - Academic Schools students sports clothing - Merchandise items. Male and female ‘cuts’ are expected, within the overall context of quality performance and design. The indicative annual order volume (irrespective of size, design, colour etc., but inclusive of stock supply) for staff uniforms, Scholarship students, team wear and academic schools is expected to be: - 350 team members of which team there will be between 18-20 teams. - 36 sports scholar students per annum who require kit. - 30 staff members who require a full range of uniforms each year. These numbers may increase through development of leisurewear and merchandise lines and subsequent sales. Full details of the requirements are included in the ITT document on PCS-Tender.


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

3 months ago

Buyer information

University of the West of Scotland


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