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UXO Surveying and Risk Mitigation Services





500,000 GBP


Establishment of a framework for UXO surveying and risk mitigation services for NRW and its named partners. Lot 1: The purpose of the requirement is to establish an efficient procurement route for all of NRW business as usual (BAU) work, strategic projects and NRW's partners named within this notice for UXO surveying and risk mitigation services. NRW is lead beneficiary or project partner in multiple habitat conservation and restoration projects several of which contain areas of UXO risk. Services may be required on multiple large scale conservation projects across Wales. Sites could be a range of terrains including but not limited to bogs, sand dunes, marshland and will typically be sensitive sites including National Nature reserves, (NNRs), Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) or Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). Typically conservation work will include ground penetration work including erecting fence lines for managed grazing, installation of dip wells and groundworks. Many sites will be on 3rd party owned land and may have challenging access and other site constraints. A range of techniques will have to be employed in surveying including but not limited to drones, hand held magnetometers, peat probes. Due to the nature of UXO surveying it is difficult for NRW to estimate the value of this framework. For the purposes of establishing this framework we estimate spend in a range of 100,000GBP and 500,000GBP. NRW does not guarantee any level of expenditure under this framework. Participating Organisations are: Natural Resources Wales Brecon Beacons National Park Authority Snowdonia National Park Authority Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority


Award date

8 months ago

Publish date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Natural Resources Wales

Cathryn Mackinlay

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