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Family Hubs Services Lot 1 Family Hubs Core & Family Support provision & Lot 2 Family Hubs Day Care provision



North Halifax Partnership, North Halifax Partnership


41,868,830 GBP


Lot 1 Family Hubs Core & Family Support: will offer early years provision, universal & targeted support, advice & activities, & family support, with a focus on targeting vulnerable families & contributing to priority outcomes. Forms part of a whole system approach to early years provision, working in partnership with the Authority and other early years partners (Family Hubs partnership). Delivered from 13 specific sites in Calderdale & at community venues & as outreach, and virtual and digital provisions, to ensure accessibility. Lot 2 Family Hubs Day Care: delivered as part of the wider Family Hubs offer in Calderdale; early education and childcare in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework. Forms part of whole system approach to early years provision, working in partnership with the Authority & other early years partners. 325 registered places delivered across 9 locations in Calderdale, delivering services within the Family Hubs within each location. Lot 1: Family Hubs Services Lot 1 Family Hubs Core & Family Support offers early years provision, including universal & targeted support, advice & activities, & family support, targeting vulnerable families & contributing to priority outcomes. Part of a whole system approach to early years provision, working closely with the Authority & other early years partners, as part of the Family Hubs partnership. The service will be delivered from 13 specific sites in Calderdale & at community venues & as outreach, virtual and digital provisions, to ensure accessibility. TUPE & a LGPS apply to this tender. The service shape has changed from a split into 2 geographical areas to a split by service type (see TUPE /Pension schedules). Council owned premises will be leased to the successful provider of Lot 1. The successful provider of Lot 2 will sign an underlease for the service space available within each of the relevant premises. Additional information: Lot 1 contract duration 5 years - option to extend for a period or periods of up to 5 years (Total 10 years) Lot 2: Lot 2 Family Hubs Day Care provision Lot 2 Family Hubs Day Care: delivered as part of the wider Family Hubs offer in Calderdale; early education and childcare in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework. Forms part of whole system approach to early years provision, working in partnership with the Authority & other early years partners. 325 registered places delivered across 9 locations in Calderdale, delivering services within the Family Hubs within each location. TUPE & a Local Government Pension Scheme apply to this tender. The service shape has changed from a split into 2 geographical areas to a split by service type (see TUPE /Pension schedules). Council owned premises will be leased to the successful provider of Lot 1. The successful provider of Lot 2 will sign an underlease for the service space available within each of the relevant premises. Additional information: Lot 2 contract duration is for an initial period of 3 years with an option to extend for a period or periods of up to 24 months (Total 5 years).


Award date

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Buyer information

Calderdale Council

Lisa Walch

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