0-19 Healthy Child Programme - Blackburn with Darwen BC - Market Engagement
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council (Authority) is seeking to commission the 0-19 Healthy Child Programme and wishes to engage with and obtain the views of a wide range of organisations across the market to seek insight from those currently providing or are interested in providing these services. The Authority will be holding a series of market engagement meetings with interested providers to help develop the Authority’s thinking on the way in which such services might be provided across the Borough in the future. Please note that this exercise is for market engagement purposes and it is not a call for competition at this stage. *Please note that the Lot structure may be subject to change once market engagement has been completed. Contract commencement date may be subject to change to allow for further tender preparation and service mobilisation How / When/ Where? The engagement meetings will take place via Microsoft teams meetings with the aim of informing future model/ specifications. Dates of engagement will be mutually agreed between the Authority and interested parties. In the case of large number of interested parties the Local Authority may choose to hold an event as opposed to individual engagement meetings. Date and Time to be agreed. Ideal providers will already have proven expertise in these field/s or the ability to provide these services. If you are interested and would like to take part in this engagement exercise you will need to complete the market engagement questionnaire attached and return via the chest portal by no later than Thursday 30th June 2022. Interested providers will be able to view this notice via the ‘current tenders’ list on the e-procurement system Chest, available on the following link: https://procontract.due-north.com Reference No: DN616923 In order to submit a response, you will need to be registered on the Chest e-procurement system and ‘express an interest’, and then complete a response as specified within the market engagement questionnaire. Lot 1: Health Visitors & School Nurses Blackburn with Darwen Council intends to appoint a provider who will ensure the delivery of its future 0 - 19 (25) years Healthy Child Programme (HCP). Transitional support will be available for young people, up to 25 years, with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The service will be provided by a skill mixed team led by Specialist Public Health Nurses - either Health Visitors or School Nurses. The aim is to delegate service delivery to the successful provider who will then be held to account for its quality and performance. The successful provider will be required to deliver BwD's 0-19 (25) years Healthy Child Programme working collaboratively with other organisations, specifically Bwd's Early Help and Children’s Centre teams, delivering services for children, young people and families, and contributing to the delivery of strategies and drivers from the local authority and local strategic boards. The elements of this programme will include, but not limited to: Public health nursing – Universal in reach and personalised in response, from the antenatal period up to 19 years for children, young people and families (up to 25 years with SEND). Support for all children, young people and families at the four service levels (community, universal, targeted and specialist). Early identification of need, screening, developmental health reviews, focus on high impact areas, and the provision of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) Health improvement with a focus on prevention. Lot 2: Specialist Infant Feeding Support Service The specialist Infant Feeding Support Service will provide multi-faceted approaches in order to improve breastfeeding initiation and prevalence rates in Blackburn with Darwen, therefore supporting a reduction in health inequalities. The service will contribute to promoting a social and cultural shift where breastfeeding is recognised as the conventional way to feed an infant. Lot 3: Community and Voluntary Sector Support service The community and voluntary sector support Lot will provide low level community support and early intervention to families to include aspects such as befriending, volunteering and peer family support for young families to build the skills, confidence and strength to nurture children. The service will support families and children with behaviour support, school readiness, emotional support for children and families and support resilient parenting.
Publish date
3 years ago
Buyer information
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
- Contact:
- Mrs Debra O'Donnell
- Email:
- debra.o'donnell@blackburn.gov.uk
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