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Tender for 21-23 High Street South, Dunstable - Reinstatement of Ground Floor Shopfronts, First Floor Windows and the Repair and Reinstatement of Various Historic Architectural Features works to 21-23 High Street South, Dunstable.



200,000 GBP


Expressions of Interest are invited for - Reinstatement of Ground Floor Shopfronts, First Floor Windows and the Repair and Reinstatement of Various Historic Architectural Features works to 21-23 High Street South, Dunstable. Client - Capital Developments (London) Ltd. Contract Administrator - Conception Architects Studio, Gothic House, Barker Gate, Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1 1JU Site Address - 21-23 High Street South, Dunstable, LU6 3SA Outline of Proposed Works Works to be carried out under the Dunstable HSHAZ and shall include the reinstatement of traditional historic shopfronts, repair and/or reinstatement of 1st floor windows on both properties, the repair of the front elevation, including the reinstatement of rainwater goods, and historic roofs. Description of Site Number 21-23 is an unlisted property and sits inside the Dunstable Conservation Area. Buildings within this area have in recent decades been characterised with inappropriate post-war modern shopfronts that have distracted from the historic aesthetics of the buildings and the Conservation Area in general. Number 21 & 23 have both been fitted with relatively modern shopfronts, which appear to be obscuring potentially historic details. The 1st floor of number 21 has also been fitted with a large picture window that has also meant that a large section of the historic elevation has been removed. The 1st floor windows at number 23 have been boarded over and will need to be explored to determine their condition. Estimated Contract Value - Over £200,000.00 Estimated Contract Length - 16 weeks Type of Contract - RIBA Minor Works Building Contract (Administered by Conception Architects Studio) Contractor Requirements Proven experience in Heritage Works Valid Employers Liability Insurance Minimum cover £10,000,000 Valid Public Liability Insurance Minimum cover £5,000,000 Experience in complying with CDM 2015 Regulations and approved Safety certification Experience in Statutory Compliance Tenders - To be submitted by post to Conception Architects Studio, Gothic House, Barker Gate, Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1 1JU (All tenders to be submitted without reference to the contractors' details on the envelope for disclosure reasons) or by email to along with a construction programme. Tender Submission Date - 29 September 2023 See for more details and how to apply. Additional information: Description of Site Number 21-23 is an unlisted property and sits inside the Dunstable Conservation Area. Buildings within this area have in recent decades been characterised with inappropriate post-war modern shopfronts that have distracted from the historic aesthetics of the buildings and the Conservation Area in general. Number 21 & 23 have both been fitted with relatively modern shopfronts, which appear to be obscuring potentially historic details. The 1st floor of number 21 has also been fitted with a large picture window that has also meant that a large section of the historic elevation has been removed. The 1st floor windows at number 23 have been boarded over and will need to be explored to determine their condition. Estimated Contract Value - Over £200,000.00 Estimated Contract Length - 16 weeks Type of Contract - RIBA Minor Works Building Contract (Administered by Conception Architects Studio) Contractor Requirements Proven experience in Heritage Works Valid Employers Liability Insurance Minimum cover £10,000,000 Valid Public Liability Insurance Minimum cover £5,000,000 Experience in complying with CDM 2015 Regulations and approved Safety certification Experience in Statutory Compliance Tenders - To be submitted by post to Conception Architects Studio, Gothic House, Barker Gate, Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1 1JU (All tenders to be submitted without reference to the contractors' details on the envelope for disclosure reasons) or by email to along with a construction programme. Tender Submission Date - 29 September 2023


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Dunstable Town Council

Lisa Scheder

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