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NEPO508 Agency Staff



Comensura Ltd


925,000,000 GBP


The Association of North East Councils, trading as North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO), is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement with a sole supplier; for the provision of a Vendor Neutral Managed Service for Temporary Agency Staff. The opportunity can be accessed via the Open eTendering system. Suppliers wishing to be considered for this Framework Agreement must register their expression of interest and submit a tender through the Open eTendering System. If not already registered, candidates should register on the Open eTendering system at Tenders must be submitted using the link above. Tenders submitted via post or email methods will not be accepted. If you need technical assistance from the Open Support team, this can be requested via PLEASE NOTE: Open is accessible 24/7 however, technical support is available Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 5pm and Friday 8.30 - 4.30pm For guidance on how to submit your response through Open, please visit to access the available Training Guides. NEPO does not give any guarantee and/or warrant the actual value of orders (if any) that will be placed with the successful suppliers by any Contracting Authority using the Framework Agreement pursuant to this process and accepts no liability thereof. Lot 1: NEPO are using a two-stage, restricted procedure for this procurement, set out at Regulation 28 of the Public Contracts Regulations. A maximum of 5 organisations will be invited to the Invitation to Tender Stage (assuming that there are at least 5 suitably qualified organisations that pass the minimum criteria) following the evaluation of Tenderer's response to the Selection Questionnaire. If there are fewer than 5 organisations that pass the minimum criteria, then only those who pass will be invited to Invitation to Tender. If there are more than 5 organisations who pass the minimum criteria then the 5 highest scoring tenderers only, based on the scored questions within the SQ, will be invited to Invitation to Invitation to Tender. The minimum criteria are documented within Schedule 1 - Selection Questionnaire and Appendix 1 - Scoring Matrix and include a minimum threshold that must be achieved on the scored question. Following the evaluation of Tenderer's responses to the Selection Questionnaire, successful Tenderers will be invited to Invitation to Tender. Tenderers responses to the Invitation to Tender will be evaluated against the pre-defined evaluation criteria and NEPO will seek to award to a single operator who has been identified as submitting the most economically advantageous tender. The selection questionnaire document also contains an ITT overview that sets out the high-level requirements of the Framework Agreement. This document will allow suppliers to determine if they are interested in this opportunity and consider whether they have the required capability and capacity to deliver the Framework Agreement.


Publish date

a month ago

Award date

a month ago

Buyer information

Association Of North East Councils

Rhian Hepple

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