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Replacement of Enterprise Resource Planning Solution



The Customer wishes to establish a single Provider Contract (combined bids are acceptable) for the implementation, licensing and support and maintenance of an ERP solution. The Customer is managing this procurement process in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, as amended (the "Regulations"). This Contract is being procured under the open procedure laid down in Regulation 27.The Contract Period will commence on 1st April 2024 and will end on 31st March 2033 with three options to extend for up to 12 months each at the sole discretion of the Customer. This period will cover both the implementation phase and operational use of the solution. The options to extend may be exercised by the Customer at the same time. The implementation phase will commence on 1st April 2024 and will complete no later than 31st March 2025. The new ERP system will go live (i.e. move from the test environment to the production environment, such that all users can start performing transactions in the new ERP) for all users no later than 1st April 2025. Access to the procurement documents is restricted. Further information can be obtained at: Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via


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a year ago

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a year ago

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The Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire

Eelco Bouwer

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