Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (EPMA) Solution
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust provides community mental, physical, and learning disability health services, as well as community hospitals and specialist inpatient units, for a population of 1.5 million people, with a staff base of 12,500. <br/><br/>The Trust is looking for a cloud based Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (EPMA) solution for use within all care settings i.e. Inpatients, Community and Clinics by approx. 600 – 800 prescribers. <br/><br/>We require the supplier to be a strategic partner to work with the Trust to develop and innovate the product, including the timely development of interoperability with external systems. The Trust has mature digital capabilities when working in partnership with suppliers and is working towards the completion of the NHS England Digital maturity standards of which EPMA is a key deliverable. <br/><br/>The solution must support the Trusts core vision of ‘one medication record’ for a patient that is portable across care settings within the Trust i.e. Inpatient, Community and Clinic. The community teams administer to 5,000 + patients daily.<br/><br/>The EPMA solution must currently be being used within an existing NHS Trust (preferably a Mental Health or Community Trust). The ability to interoperate with multiple (currently five) pharmacy dispensing systems based outside the Trust with more than 1 Acute (currently four) partners for the dispensing of medication and stock control is a key requirement for the solution. <br/><br/> The solution needs to meet the following requirements:<br/>• Compliance with NHS England Digital Clinical Safety Standard DCB0129 with a full Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) assessment<br/>• Paperless prescribing for prescription charts<br/>• Paperless administration records in multiple care settings including inpatient, clinics and community<br/>• The system must directly link with the Patient demographics spine<br/>• Compliance with Mental Health Act requirements in relation to prescribing and administration of medications<br/>• Proven ability to interoperate with multiple EPRs (including Rio, CaMIS and SystmOne) providing real time data exchange<br/>• Ability to receive ADT and bidirectional Diagnosis, Conditions and Allergy data <br/>• Ability to Digitally transfer medication information to multiple EPR’s for inclusion within the discharge summary<br/>• The solution must have smartcard authentication<br/>• Formulary linked to Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d)<br/>• Option to import medication into the system electronically from an external source (for example from an existing EPMA system from one of our legacy organisations)<br/>• Ability to indicate medications are on the Hampshire and Isle of Wight (HIOW) Formulary <br/>• Ability for the trust to configure users, teams, departments, and cost codes specific to organisation<br/>• Ability to interoperate with a pharmacy dispensing tracker system<br/>• Mobile solution for use in the Community 5000 + patients daily, must be device agnostic<br/>• Ability to supply a full automated data download for reporting purposes nightly as a minimum<br/><br/>We are looking to hold market engagement sessions (virtually) across three days (6th, 13th and 15th November) to understand solutions that are available within the market. If you have a solution that meets these requirements, please contact Helen Grieves, Procurement Category Manager on Helen.Grieves@southernhealth.nhs.uk and you will be provided a slot. <br/><br/>Please ensure you provide the following information;<br/>• Full Company name and address<br/>• Main and Secondary Contact name and title<br/>• Main and Secondary Contact email and office base addresses<br/>• Details of which NHS organisations are using your solution, including the type of NHS trust they are<br/>• Statement confirming that your solution is able to meet the above requirements. Lot 1: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust provides community mental, physical, and learning disability health services, as well as community hospitals and specialist inpatient units, for a population of 1.5 million people, with a staff base of 12,500. <br/><br/>The Trust is looking for a cloud based Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (EPMA) solution for use within all care settings i.e. Inpatients, Community and Clinics by approx. 600 – 800 prescribers. <br/><br/>We require the supplier to be a strategic partner to work with the Trust to develop and innovate the product, including the timely development of interoperability with external systems. The Trust has mature digital capabilities when working in partnership with suppliers and is working towards the completion of the NHS England Digital maturity standards of which EPMA is a key deliverable. <br/><br/>The solution must support the Trusts core vision of ‘one medication record’ for a patient that is portable across care settings within the Trust i.e. Inpatient, Community and Clinic. The community teams administer to 5,000 + patients daily.<br/><br/>The EPMA solution must currently be being used within an existing NHS Trust (preferably a Mental Health or Community Trust). The ability to interoperate with multiple (currently five) pharmacy dispensing systems based outside the Trust with more than 1 Acute (currently four) partners for the dispensing of medication and stock control is a key requirement for the solution. <br/><br/> The solution needs to meet the following requirements:<br/>• Compliance with NHS England Digital Clinical Safety Standard DCB0129 with a full Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) assessment<br/>• Paperless prescribing for prescription charts<br/>• Paperless administration records in multiple care settings including inpatient, clinics and community<br/>• The system must directly link with the Patient demographics spine<br/>• Compliance with Mental Health Act requirements in relation to prescribing and administration of medications<br/>• Proven ability to interoperate with multiple EPRs (including Rio, CaMIS and SystmOne) providing real time data exchange<br/>• Ability to receive ADT and bidirectional Diagnosis, Conditions and Allergy data <br/>• Ability to Digitally transfer medication information to multiple EPR’s for inclusion within the discharge summary<br/>• The solution must have smartcard authentication<br/>• Formulary linked to Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d)<br/>• Option to import medication into the system electronically from an external source (for example from an existing EPMA system from one of our legacy organisations)<br/>• Ability to indicate medications are on the Hampshire and Isle of Wight (HIOW) Formulary <br/>• Ability for the trust to configure users, teams, departments, and cost codes specific to organisation<br/>• Ability to interoperate with a pharmacy dispensing tracker system<br/>• Mobile solution for use in the Community 5000 + patients daily, must be device agnostic<br/>• Ability to supply a full automated data download for reporting purposes nightly as a minimum<br/><br/>We are looking to hold market engagement sessions (virtually) across three days (6th, 13th and 15th November) to understand solutions that are available within the market. If you have a solution that meets these requirements, please contact Helen Grieves, Procurement Category Manager on Helen.Grieves@southernhealth.nhs.uk and you will be provided a slot. <br/><br/>Please ensure you provide the following information;<br/>• Full Company name and address<br/>• Main and Secondary Contact name and title<br/>• Main and Secondary Contact email and office base addresses<br/>• Details of which NHS organisations are using your solution, including the type of NHS trust they are<br/>• Statement confirming that your solution is able to meet the above requirements.
Publish date
5 months ago
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Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Contact:
- Helen Grieves
- Email:
- helen.grieves@outlook.com
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