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Provision of UHL Bed and Bedside Equipment Management Service



The Authority is using the ATAMIS e-Sourcing Portal to conduct the procurement process ("The e-Sourcing Portal"). The e-Sourcing Portal can be accessed at All tender documents for this requirement are available on Atamis.<br/>This requirement has been split into two options as follows:<br/>Option 1: Fully Managed Service<br/>The Service Provider will be required to deliver a comprehensive Fully Managed Bed & Equipment Service.<br/>The Service Provider will be expected to manage all aspects of the Trust’s requirements from purchasing equipment, maintaining and storing the equipment, to providing training and clinical advisory support, decontamination and disposal of the equipment and delivering the equipment to its final destination. The full range of rental / lease / purchasing options of equipment to be offered as part of the managed solution.<br/>The Service Provider will be expected to support in the capital and reconfiguration projects within UHL Trust, so must have a flexible approach to supporting the changing landscape to meet Trust and patient needs.<br/>Option 2: Managed Service Split into Lots<br/>This option requires the service provider to provide a ‘Fully Managed Service’ as per Option 1 but only for a specific category of equipment (defined by Lots), instead of the full range of equipment. The Lots are as follows:<br/>Lot 1: Medical and Surgical Beds<br/>Lot 2: Critical Care Beds<br/>Lot 3: Birthing Beds<br/>Lot 4: Bariatric Beds<br/>Lot 5: Paediatric Cots & Baby Cribs<br/>Lot 6: Low Beds<br/>Lot 7: Dynamic Surface (Covering Adult, Neonatal and Paediatric)<br/>Lot 8: Standard Foam Surface<br/>Lot 9: Hybrid Mattress<br/>Lot 10: Immersion Therapy Mattresses<br/>Lot 11: Other (Trolleys, Bedside, Clinical & Bariatric Chairs, Couches, Cushions, Wheelchairs) <br/><br/>Tenders may be submitted for one, for several, or for all the lots. The Authority reserves the right to award more than one Lot to the same tenderer. The Authority reserves the right to award to one or several Lots or no Lots. Any combination of Lots between 1 – 12 may be combined. <br/>If a suitable tender is submitted for Option 1– Fully Managed Service, and this tender is within the Authority’s budget, then Option 2 will not be awarded to any tenderer.<br/><br/>To be considered, interested suppliers must submit their responses to the SQ (Supplier Questionnaire) no later than 10am on 19th August 2024 via Atamis. Bidders who successfully pass the SQ stage will be invited to tender.<br/>If you have any questions, please contact Simran Gill – Lot 1: The Authority is using the ATAMIS e-Sourcing Portal to conduct the procurement process ("The e-Sourcing Portal"). The e-Sourcing Portal can be accessed at All tender documents for this requirement are available on Atamis.<br/>This requirement has been split into two options as follows:<br/>Option 1: Fully Managed Service<br/>The Service Provider will be required to deliver a comprehensive Fully Managed Bed & Equipment Service.<br/>The Service Provider will be expected to manage all aspects of the Trust’s requirements from purchasing equipment, maintaining and storing the equipment, to providing training and clinical advisory support, decontamination and disposal of the equipment and delivering the equipment to its final destination. The full range of rental / lease / purchasing options of equipment to be offered as part of the managed solution.<br/>The Service Provider will be expected to support in the capital and reconfiguration projects within UHL Trust, so must have a flexible approach to supporting the changing landscape to meet Trust and patient needs.<br/>Option 2: Managed Service Split into Lots<br/>This option requires the service provider to provide a ‘Fully Managed Service’ as per Option 1 but only for a specific category of equipment (defined by Lots), instead of the full range of equipment. The Lots are as follows:<br/>Lot 1: Medical and Surgical Beds<br/>Lot 2: Critical Care Beds<br/>Lot 3: Birthing Beds<br/>Lot 4: Bariatric Beds<br/>Lot 5: Paediatric Cots & Baby Cribs<br/>Lot 6: Low Beds<br/>Lot 7: Dynamic Surface (Covering Adult, Neonatal and Paediatric)<br/>Lot 8: Standard Foam Surface<br/>Lot 9: Hybrid Mattress<br/>Lot 10: Immersion Therapy Mattresses<br/>Lot 11: Other (Trolleys, Bedside, Clinical & Bariatric Chairs, Couches, Cushions, Wheelchairs) <br/><br/>Tenders may be submitted for one, for several, or for all the lots. The Authority reserves the right to award more than one Lot to the same tenderer. The Authority reserves the right to award to one or several Lots or no Lots. Any combination of Lots between 1 – 12 may be combined. <br/>If a suitable tender is submitted for Option 1– Fully Managed Service, and this tender is within the Authority’s budget, then Option 2 will not be awarded to any tenderer.<br/><br/>To be considered, interested suppliers must submit their responses to the SQ (Supplier Questionnaire) no later than 10am on 19th August 2024 via Atamis. Bidders who successfully pass the SQ stage will be invited to tender.<br/><br/>This contract is required to start on 1st March 2025 if awarded to a Supplier other than the incumbent to facilitate an implementation/handover period. If the tender is awarded to the incumbent, the contract is required to start on 1st April 2025.<br/><br/>If you have any questions, please contact Simran Gill –


Publish date

8 months ago

Close date

7 months ago

Buyer information

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

Simran Gill

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