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Evaluation consultancy services



The Office of the Planning Regulator invites tenders to this request for tenders (‘RFT’) for appointment to a multi-supplier framework agreement or the provision of planning review and assessment services. In summary, the services comprise: — Assessors of Statutory Plans — Lot 1; — Reviewers of Systems and Procedures used by Planning Authorities — Lot 2. Detailed information on the procedure to be used for this procurement is provided in the accompanying RFT document (including instructions to tenderers and a detailed specification of the Office of the Planning Regulators requirements). The OPR has a full-time team of staff to discharge the statutory roles above and others that, subject to fluctuations in workload and seasonal factors, may present a business requirement for two distinct groups of external fee-per-case contractors to assist the Office from time to time on specific tasks, on a fee-per-case basis, including: (a) the assessment of statutory plans (Lot 1 of the RFT); and (b) reviews of planning authorities (Lot 2 of the RFT). Accordingly. The OPR is requesting tenders for appointment to a framework for the provision of planning review and assessment services to the Office of the Planning Regulator. Two contractor panels will be established under the framework agreement for the provision of these tasks as follows: • assessors of statutory plans — Lot 1; • reviewers of systems and procedures used by planning authorities —Lot 2. Each lot constitutes a distinct role. Tenderers may decide to submit tenders for either one of the lots above or both, it is important that tenderers clearly indicate which roles (Lot 1 and/or Lot 2) they are applying for as tenders will only be considered on this basis. Full details are available in the accompanying RFT document. The OPR has a full-time team of staff to discharge the statutory roles above and others that, subject to fluctuations in workload and seasonal factors, may present a business requirement for two distinct groups of external fee-per-case contractors to assist the Office from time to time on specific tasks, on a fee-per-case basis, including: (a) the assessment of statutory plans (Lot 1 of the RFT); and (b) reviews of planning authorities (Lot 2 of the RFT). Accordingly. The OPR is requesting tenders for appointment to a Framework for the provision of planning review and assessment services to the Office of the Planning Regulator. Two contractor panels will be established under the framework agreement for the provision of these tasks as follows: • assessors of statutory plans — Lot 1; • reviewers of systems and procedures used by planning authorities — Lot 2. Each lot constitutes a distinct role. Tenderers may decide to submit tenders for either one of the lots above or both, it is important that tenderers clearly indicate which roles (Lot 1 and/or Lot 2) they are applying for as tenders will only be considered on this basis. Full details are available in the accompanying RFT document.


Publish date

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Office of the Planning Regulator

Valerie Halpin

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