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30,000 GBP


Winchester City Council is seeking to appoint a professional consultancy to produce a strategy to enhance the resilience and wellbeing of our communities, which will provide strategic direction for our work with communities across the district and underpin the work of the council's Community and Wellbeing service. This new strategy will consider the role of the council in nurturing our communities and creating an environment in which they can develop and thrive. It will reflect the ways in which predicted population growth and societal trends will impact on the district's communities and reset our expectations of what strong, vibrant and resilient communities should look like during the period through to 2030. In particular, it will need to respond to the impacts of: •New emerging communities, in particular at major housing development areas (MDA) in the district. •The cost-of-living crisis has challenged many people and households, including some who are unused to needing support and assistance. •The war in Ukraine, and unrest in other parts of the world, have contributed to an influx of people from different cultural backgrounds, increasing the diversity and mix of our communities. •The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on people's physical and mental health and the way that they interact. The strategy will need to: •Address all communities across Winchester district and reflect their diverse nature. •Identify the key stakeholders and partner agencies and engage with them. •Utilise an Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach. •Consider national and regional strategies and guidance. •Set out strategic objectives and aims for action or intervention. •Propose SMART indicators. We are looking for work to start in mid-September and expect the contract to run for 5-6 months. Suppliers should raise any clarification questions about this quote, to the email address provided by 9 August 2024. A log of all questions will be added to Contract Finder as soon as possible after 10 August 2024. If the Council considers a query may have a material effect on quotation responses, all suppliers will be notified without delay via email. All quotation response documents must be returned to the contact email address above by no later than 23:59 on 18 August 2024. When emailing your completed quotation to the Council you are strongly advised to request a "Delivery Receipt" as evidence of safe delivery.


Publish date

9 months ago

Close date

8 months ago

Buyer information

Winchester City Council

Steve Lincoln

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