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Ground Maintenance Services and Biodiversity Enhancements



Greengrass Services Ltd


North Wales Police & North Wales Fire & Rescue Service seek the services of an experienced and qualified contractor who will be able to provide both planned ground maintenance services, reactive work for example tree cutting, and minor works to support the continued tidiness and care of gardens/grassed areas/boarders etc across the estate along with control of invasive species. Where Biodiversity project grass cutting regimes have been assigned to sites, the designated grassed areas will be allowed to grow between April and August each year to increase the habitat area available to pollinators and other species. A good standard of workmanship and shall always comply with Health and Safety legislative requirements, good working horticultural and arboriculture practice, relevant British Standards and Codes of Practice and legislative requirements. The Contractor shall ensure that all goods and materials used or supplied, and all the workmanship shall be at least to the standard required by the appropriate British Standard Specification or British Standard Code of Practice. These include, but are not restricted to: -BS7370 - Grounds Maintenance; BS3998 - Tree Work; BS4428 - Code of Practice for general landscape operations; Pesticides Code of Practice (Ministry of Agriculture, Pesticides Handbook); Approved Codes of Practice 1995 (COSHH).Cytundeb Cynnal a Chadw Tir a Gwella BioamrywiaethMae Heddlu Gogledd Cymru a Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Gogledd Cymru yn chwilio am wasanaethau contractwr profiadol a chymwys a fydd yn gallu darparu gwasanaethau cynnal a chadw tir wedi'u cynllunio, gwaith adweithiol, er enghraifft torri coed, a mân waith er mwyn cadw trefn a gofal ar erddi/ardaloedd glaswelltog/ffiniau ac ati ar draws yr ystâd yn barhaus, ynghyd â rheoli rhywogaethau ymledol. Os oes trefniadau torri glaswellt prosiect bioamrywiaeth wedi'u neilltuo i safleoedd, caniateir i'r ardaloedd glaswelltog dynodedig dyfu rhwng mis Ebrill a mis Awst bob blwyddyn er mwyn cynyddu'r


Award date

3 days ago

Publish date

2 days ago

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North Wales Police

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