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Support for Strategic Integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence)



Empowering Education International Limited trading as Etio


60,000 GBP


We require the supplier to describe an ideal integration of AI with Ofsted's systems such that it reduces risk, improves consistency and delivers efficiencies across Ofsted's work. This should be done by: a) Consulting with business areas to understand their needs and the constraints in which they work b) Ensuring proposals are aligned with Ofsted's legal obligations and it's Approach to AI: Ofsted's approach to artificial intelligence (AI) - GOV.UK c) They should also collect evidence from other inspectorates/regulators so that their recommendations reflect lessons learnt from these organisations, describing: How have they organised their resources to succeed, and what resources are needed for this to be delivered successfully, reflecting the size of the necessary teams. The supplier should also identify potential 'quick wins' - things that do not require significant systems change for Ofsted - with a particular focus on our regulatory processes.


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted)

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