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Storage Solutions - Gamston



JOG Consultants Ltd


17,345 GBP


Design, supply & install storage solutions at our Gamston depot, using Palletstor Racking System (or equivalent to clip into the existing system). To include safe removal and disposal of current tack welded angle iron to frames and all existing shelving/racking, to allow suitable access to construct new racking and shelving.\r \r The pallet racking (suitable for loading pallets with a forklift) should hold 2500kg per shelf. The Longspan shelving (or equivalent that clips into the existing system) should be capable of supporting 500kg per shelf.\r \r Images of the existing racking to be dismantled are attached. The amount of racking to dismantle is broadly similar to the amount Via need replacing. Also note the shelving to be removed in last image is welded to the portal frame of the warehouse, so consideration needs to be given for dismantling this racking. A site visit is recommended.\r \r Site visits are to be completed by CoB 24th April 2024, please contact Andy Ramsden / Dale Holmes to arrange a site visit and\r \r Price breakdowns are required in 3 elements, therefore please submit your pricing as follows: -\r 1) Supply & installation of Racking\r 2) Supply & installation of Shelving\r 3) Dismantle & remove existing shelving


Publish date

11 months ago

Award date

10 months ago

Buyer information

Via East Midlands

Clare Taylor

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