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2024 / 018 Establishment of a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Legal Services in the area of European State Aid Law for Enterprise Ireland



1,500,000 EUR


Enterprise Ireland wishes to establish a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Legal Services in the area of European State Aid Law. Enterprise Ireland makes a range of complex and high impact State Aid law decisions in order to support Irish businesses and Enterprise Ireland requires external State Aid legal advice in relation to many of these decisions. The Enterprise Ireland legal function is particularly focused on the provision of funding to Irish companies by way of grants, equity investments, convertible loan note subscriptions and repayable advances, in each case in compliance with State Aid law. In that regard, it avails of GBER and de minimis exemptions and also avails of EU state aid frameworks. This Competition offers interested service providers with specialist expertise in State Aid law the opportunity to participate in a competition for a place on a multi-party framework agreement. Enterprise Ireland requires firms with specialist expertise in the area of State Aid law with a record of: (a) advising Government Agencies in relation to interpreting the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and other European Treaties, and related European Commission and Council Regulations, Directives, Decisions and Guidelines, in each case in relation to State Aid; (b) appearing before the European Court of Justice and the General Court in State Aid cases; and (c) communicating with the European Commission on behalf of client public bodies in relation to State Aid issues; and (d) advising client public bodies in relation to notifying the European Commission in relation to State Aid. The full list of requirements is contained within the tender documents. As the subject matter of this competition is considered as a Title III service within the context of Directive 2014/24/EU, where the choice of procedure is open to the Contracting Authority, the procedure chosen on this occasion is a Single Stage Procedure with Negotiation. Tenderers must associate themselves with the competition in order to access the tender documents, ask and receive queries and submit a tender response. All responses must be submitted in a ZIP FILE format. Enterprise Ireland wishes to establish a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Legal Services in the area of European State Aid Law. Enterprise Ireland makes a range of complex and high impact State Aid law decisions in order to support Irish businesses and Enterprise Ireland requires external State Aid legal advice in relation to many of these decisions. The Enterprise Ireland legal function is particularly focused on the provision of funding to Irish companies by way of grants, equity investments, convertible loan note subscriptions and repayable advances, in each case in compliance with State Aid law. In that regard, it avails of GBER and de minimis exemptions and also avails of EU state aid frameworks. This Competition offers interested service providers with specialist expertise in State Aid law the opportunity to participate in a competition for a place on a multi-party framework agreement. Enterprise Ireland requires firms with specialist expertise in the area of State Aid law with a record of: (a) advising Government Agencies in relation to interpreting the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and other European Treaties, and related European Commission and Council Regulations, Directives, Decisions and Guidelines, in each case in relation to State Aid; (b) appearing before the European Court of Justice and the General Court in State Aid cases; and (c) communicating with the European Commission on behalf of client public bodies in relation to State Aid issues; and (d) advising client public bodies in relation to notifying the European Commission in relation to State Aid. The full list of requirements is contained within the tender documents. As the subject matter of this competition is considered as a Title III service within the context of Directive 2014/24/EU, where the choice of procedure is open to the Contracting Authority, the procedure chosen on this occasion is a Single Stage Procedure with Negotiation. Tenderers must associate themselves with the competition in order to access the tender documents, ask and receive queries and submit a tender response. All responses must be submitted in a ZIP FILE format.


Publish date

6 months ago

Close date

5 months ago

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Enterprise Ireland

Enterprise Ireland

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