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Patient-monitoring System



A site-wide real-time continuous vital signs monitoring system at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, UK. Our objective is to evaluate the existing market, taking into account the capabilities of potential suppliers and their level of interest. Lot 1: Barts Health NHS Trust intends to launch a procurement process for a site-wide real-time continuous vital signs monitoring system at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, UK. Our objective is to evaluate the existing market, taking into account the capabilities of potential suppliers and their level of interest. <br/><br/>St Bartholomew’s Hospital is one of four acute hospitals within Barts Health. Its role is to care for patients requiring cardiac surgery, cardiological interventions, thoracic surgery, oncology care (including haemato-oncology services) and respiratory medicine. It has 10 cardiothoracic operating theatres, 10 anaesthetic rooms, 10 cardiac catheterisation laboratories, 8 post-anaesthetic recovery beds, 54 critical care beds and at least 50 continuously monitored beds. There are imminent plans to open another 11 critical care beds, 3 anaesthetic rooms, 3 theatres and 6 post-anaesthetic recovery beds. As such we are one of the largest cardiothoracic centres in Europe and are responsible for the cardiothoracic care of 1.5 million people in East London.<br/><br/>Our aim is to find an optimal solution that ensures smooth patient transitions between wards, seamless data integration into our information systems, timely alerts for clinical deterioration, and continued patient mobility as we support their enhanced recovery. <br/><br/>This process will not consider our MRI-conditional monitoring, equipment or catheter laboratory monitoring systems. We have a Trust-wide solution for intermittent vital signs monitoring already in place.<br/><br/>We seek solutions that offer comprehensive multi-parameter monitoring, including ECG, multiple invasive pressures, non-invasive blood pressure, plethysmography, expired gas analysis, cardiac output, neuromuscular blockade, depth of anaesthesia, and tissue saturations. These capabilities can be provided directly or integrated with other medical devices. It’s crucial to review historical events related to multi-parameter data (such as ECG and invasive pressure) at Central Stations. Additionally, credible solutions should address cybersecurity, quality management, social values, and the safe transition from our existing monitoring system to any future system.<br/><br/>Any solution must integrate with our current electronic health record which is Millennium from Oracle Health.<br/><br/>We are open to considering various commercial solutions such as capital purchases, managed equipment services, leasing or neutral vendors. Additional information: Since the current commercial details are not known, we will rely on premarket engagement to determine the indicative costs.


Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Barts Health NHS Trust

Victoria Sullivan

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