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Research Consultancy Services



Impact Research, Ricardo AEA ltd, The Social Marketing Gateway, The Union Advertising Agency Ltd, Edinburgh Business School Heriot Watt University, Eunomia Researching and Consulting, MEL Research, PDR - Cardiff Metropolitan University, Ricardo AEA ltd, Andthen, The Social Marketing Gateway, Winning Moves, Eunomia Researching and Consulting, Enscape Consulting Ltd, Ricardo AEA ltd, The Social Marketing Gateway, Wavehill Ltd, Resource Futures


5,000,000 GBP


A regulated ("Open") tender to establish a multi-lot, multi-supplier framework agreement for the provision of research consultancy services. Lot 2: Qualitative Research Services Lot 2 – Qualitative Research Services of this framework agreement will be used for the collection and / or analysis of non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to explore and understand concepts, opinions, attitudes, behaviours, or experiences, and to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research. Services will be requested under this Lot on a Call Off basis in accordance with the information provided the Lot Specification only. We are appointing a total of seven (7) suppliers to Lot 2 of this framework agreement. This number is intended to provide sufficient capacity and capability for delivery of services under this Lot during the period of this framework agreement. Zero Waste Scotland is unwilling and unable to guarantee that any services will be requested under this Lot or that any Call Offs will be awarded to any supplier at any time during the period of this framework agreement. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Lot 1: Quantitative Research Services Lot 1 – Quantitative Research Services of this framework agreement will be used for the collection, study and / or analysis of the relationship between variables, making it possible for the Client to draw generalisations and make predictions based on the data. Services will be requested under this Lot on a Call Off basis in accordance with the information provided the Lot Specification only. We are appointing a total of six (6) suppliers to Lot 1 of this framework agreement. This number is intended to provide sufficient capacity and capability for delivery of services under this Lot during the period of this framework agreement. Zero Waste Scotland is unwilling and unable to guarantee that any services will be requested under this Lot or that any Call Offs will be awarded to any supplier at any time during the period of this framework agreement. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Lot 3: Mixed Methods Research Services Lot 3 – Mixed Methods Research Services of this framework agreement will be used to triangulate results and gain a more complete picture than a standalone quantitative or qualitative study by integrating the benefits of both methods. It may also be used to support delivery of a structured and rigorous Rapid Evidence Review where appropriate. Services will be requested under this Lot on a Call Off basis in accordance with the information provided the Lot Specification only. We are appointing a total of five (5) suppliers to Lot 3 of this framework agreement. This number is intended to provide sufficient capacity and capability for delivery of services under this Lot during the period of this framework agreement. Zero Waste Scotland is unwilling and unable to guarantee that any services will be requested under this Lot or that any Call Offs will be awarded to any supplier at any time during the period of this framework agreement. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.


Award date

7 months ago

Publish date

7 months ago

Buyer information

Zero Waste Scotland Ltd


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