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Provision of the ScotRail Website





This involves the variation to an existing contract which was procured whilst ScotRail was under the Abellio franchise ownership. The incumbent supplier (Altcom Ltd) supplies hosting, maintenance and support services for the website. A 36-month extension is being awarded to Altcom for this same scope of services. ScotRail are currently conducting a tender process for new Retail Systems including a Centralised Web Ticket Issuing System (WebTIS), App and Ticket Vending Machines. The ScotRail website is out with the scope of this procurement, however, the WebTIS and software chosen will impact the future requirements for the website. Currently, there are integrations in place between the website and the app and currently it is unknown whether these are features which will be provided through the new retail systems solution or will continue to be required through the website. The procurement and implementation of the new retail systems will take at least 24 months. The full impact on the specification for a new ScotRail website will not be known until the procurement is complete and the functionality of the new retail systems fully understood. To tender the website services now would result in duplication of resource and cost as we would need to change the scope of the website in the future to reflect the change in retail systems. Once the procurement is complete and the functionality of the new retail systems fully understood, the scope for the future ScotRail website can be fully understood. ScotRail will then communicate the future procurement strategy for these services and publish this opportunity to the market Lot 1: This involves the variation to an existing contract which was procured whilst ScotRail was under the Abellio franchise ownership. The incumbent supplier (Altcom Ltd) supplies hosting, maintenance and support services for the website. A 36-month extension is being awarded to Altcom for this same scope of services. ScotRail are currently conducting a tender process for new Retail Systems including a Centralised Web Ticket Issuing System (WebTIS), App and Ticket Vending Machines. The ScotRail website is out with the scope of this procurement, however, the WebTIS and software chosen will impact the future requirements for the website. Currently, there are integrations in place between the website and the app and currently it is unknown whether these are features which will be provided through the new retail systems solution or will continue to be required through the website. The procurement and implementation of the new retail systems will take at least 24 months. The full impact on the specification for a new ScotRail website will not be known until the procurement is complete and the functionality of the new retail systems fully understood. To tender the website services now would result in duplication of resource and cost as we would need to change the scope of the website in the future to reflect the change in retail systems. Once the procurement is complete and the functionality of the new retail systems fully understood, the scope for the future ScotRail website can be fully understood. ScotRail will then communicate the future procurement strategy for these services and publish this opportunity to the market


Publish date

a month ago

Award date

a month ago

Buyer information

ScotRail Trains Limited


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