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Insulin Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitors, Closed Loop Insulin Delivery Systems and Associated Products



Gluco RxLimited, Gluco RxLimited, UKR General Trading Ltd, Glooko Limited, Gluco RxLimited


40,000,000 GBP


In January 2022 NHS Supply Chain launched a non-exclusive Framework Agreement for supply to NHS Supply Chain customer base of Insulin Pumps Continuous Glucose Monitoring Closed Loop Insulin Delivery Systems and Associated Products. The Framework Agreement provides one ordering platform for all technologies, the objective to award broadly across the Framework Agreement to ensure continuity of supply for all key product areas and to also allow optimisation opportunities to be identified. In accordance with Section 3 of the ITT that was published in June 2021, NHS Supply Chain took the decision to open the Framework Agreement to new Applicants in 2022 to ensure the Framework Agreement continued to offer the broadest possible range of products to the NHS, as well as ensuring any new technologies and innovations in this product area are made available via the Framework Agreement. NHS Supply Chain has taken the decision to open the Framework Agreement to new Applicants again, to ensure the Framework Agreement continues to offer the broadest possible range of products to the NHS, as well as ensuring any new technologies and innovations in this product area are made available via the Framework Agreement. Applicants successfully awarded to the Framework Agreement during this Agile Tender are awarded with the incumbent suppliers who were awarded to the Framework Agreement following the previous tendering exercise (Contract Award Notice reference: 2022/S 000-000260 and suppliers awarded following the Agile Tendering exercise (Contract Award Notice reference 2022/S 000-035953). Notices can be viewed at: This agreement is for the supply of Insulin Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) devices, Applications or software to enable the function of Closed Loop Insulin Delivery Systems and also for the dedicated consumables and accessories for the products listed above. The Framework Agreement was launched in January 2022 with an initial term of 24 months with an option to extend incrementally for up to a total period of 48 months. Applicants awarded to the Framework Agreement during this Agile Tender will therefore be awarded for the remaining period of 24 months. Lot Lot 1: Insulin Pumps This lot is for Standalone Insulin Pumps and also Tethered Insulin Pumps, Patch Insulin Pumps, Tethered Pump with Integrated Continuous Glucose Monitor, Patch Pumps with Integrated Continuous Glucose Monitor, Tethered Pump with Integrated Continuous Glucose Monitor and Algorithm. This Lot also includes, but is not limited to; Insulin subcutaneous infusion set Tubes Cannula’s Needle cartridges Handsets Insertion Devices Adaptors Batteries Carry Cases Belts Remotes Sensors Finger Prickers Battery caps Resevoirs USB Adapters Clips Luer Locks Dressings Pouches Service packs Any other option or accessory used with or to configure the pumps Additional information: Anticipated expenditure will be circa £20,000,000 for the two years of this Framework Agreement, this is approximate and may vary depending on the requirements of bodies purchasing under the agreement. These values are approximate, based on historical usage information, with a forecasted level of growth. Lot Lot 2: Continuous Glucose Monitors This lot is for standalone CGM and Flash Glucose Monitoring. This Lot also includes Receivers, Transmitters, Sensors and Flash Glucose Monitoring Devices. This lot includes but is not limited to: Handsets Sensors Carry cases Tapes Finger prickers Clips Dressings Adhesives Insertion devices Testers Service Packs Download Features Any other option or accessory used to configure the unit Additional information: Anticipated expenditure will be circa £10,000,000 for the two years of this Framework Agreement, this is approximate and may vary depending on the requirements of bodies purchasing under the agreement. These values are approximate, based on historical usage information, with a forecasted level of growth. Lot Lot 3: Software and Diabetes Management Systems This lot is for Applications, Software or Alogrithms that contribute to the functionality of a Closed/Semi Closed Loop Insulin Delivery System and Diabetes Management Systems that allow for the uploading of information from Insulin Pumps, CGM’s, Glucose Meters and/or Mobile Applications. Mobile applications that act only as an Insulin Pump or CGM controller must not be included in this lot and must instead be submitted as an accessory in the relevant lot where the Pump or CGM device sits. Additional information: Anticipated expenditure will be circa £10,000,000 for the two years of this Framework Agreement, this is approximate and may vary depending on the requirements of bodies purchasing under the agreement. These values are approximate, based on historical usage information, with a forecasted level of growth.


Award date

10 months ago

Publish date

8 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Supply Chain

Leigh Carr

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