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Non-Obstetric Ultrasound Service for Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board



Surrey Heartlands ICB is seeking to appoint a contract for the provision of a non-obstetric ultrasound service to eligible patients registered with a GP in Surrey Heartlands ICB North West Surrey Place. This contract is for a local, direct access non-obstetric ultrasound service. The Provider is required to provide staff qualified to appropriate levels of skill and experience, using ultrasound equipment which complies with the guidance set by the Royal College of Radiologists. The service will require connection to NHS image transfer solutions, provide robust performance management systems and guarantee stringent levels of clinical governance. Providers will be required to provide diagnostic investigation and a report to the referrer, which covers the description of the investigation and findings and, where appropriate, any recommendations which may include further imaging or investigation and advice on Primary Care management. The use of structured reporting will support local referrers in their options for further clinical management. The service will need to be fully quality assured, validated and supported by Surrey Heartlands ICB. The Provider must aim to provide an excellent patient experience across the entire clinical and patient pathway. In order to measure this, Providers should have in place robust mechanisms for collecting patient feedback using approaches that reflect the diverse nature of their patient population. This should include as a minimum, a Patient Satisfaction Survey and one real time feedback mechanism. There must be a sound process for receiving and dealing with suggestions, compliments and complaints. Surrey Heartlands ICB is intending to follow the Competitive Process to award a contract under The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. Lot 1: Surrey Heartlands ICB is seeking to appoint a contract for the provision of a non-obstetric ultrasound service to eligible patients registered with a GP in Surrey Heartlands ICB North West Surrey Place. This contract is for a local, direct access non-obstetric ultrasound service. The Provider is required to provide staff qualified to appropriate levels of skill and experience, using ultrasound equipment which complies with the guidance set by the Royal College of Radiologists. The service will require connection to NHS image transfer solutions, provide robust performance management systems and guarantee stringent levels of clinical governance. Providers will be required to provide diagnostic investigation and a report to the referrer, which covers the description of the investigation and findings and, where appropriate, any recommendations which may include further imaging or investigation and advice on Primary Care management. The use of structured reporting will support local referrers in their options for further clinical management. The service will need to be fully quality assured, validated and supported by Surrey Heartlands ICB. The Provider must aim to provide an excellent patient experience across the entire clinical and patient pathway. In order to measure this, Providers should have in place robust mechanisms for collecting patient feedback using approaches that reflect the diverse nature of their patient population. This should include as a minimum, a Patient Satisfaction Survey and one real time feedback mechanism. There must be a sound process for receiving and dealing with suggestions, compliments and complaints.


Publish date

a month ago

Close date

27 days ago

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NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board


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