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Market Engagement - Non Destructive Testing Training



This soft market testing PIN and RFI questionnaire has been developed by Network Rail (NR) in advance of procuring a solution for the provision of Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Training Courses. NR wishes to incentivise the market to engage with the opportunity and contribute innovation, experience and delivery capability to the delivery of these courses. In line with NR’s procurement principles, NR is committed to becoming an ‘informed’ client with excellent visibility and understanding of the market and the supply chains and customers operating within them. At this stage, pre-procurement, NR are committed to engaging with the industry to inform and refine the overall sourcing strategy. Lot 1: Lot 1 Non Destructive Testing - Level 1 – Basic Ultrasonic Test & Ultrasonic Testing Rail Level 2 The purpose of this RFI and soft market testing is to: • Understand the markets capacity and capability to deliver the courses and to further develop the procurement strategy; • Provide potential suppliers the opportunity to give feedback to help inform the refinement of NR’s approach; • Obtain information from the market to understand the market perspective; • Understand the appetite from Small / Medium Enterprises (SME) to consider tendering; and • Understand the appetite from Non Destructive Testing service providers to consider tendering with the use of experts to deliver the training. The responses to this Questionnaire will be synthesised to identify key market themes, to be shared internally with key stakeholders and to further inform the sourcing strategy. This soft market testing is not itself a Call for Competition under the Find a Tender Services (FTS) (whether pursuant to the Public Contracts regulations 2015, the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016, the Concession Contracts Regulations 2r016, or otherwise). NR does not commit itself to commencing any such sourcing process. The supplier must: • Provide high quality training; • Ensure that trainers have enough knowledge of NR and/or the rail industry, and a detailed knowledge of the subject area concerned; • Ensure all trainers are approved as per the Associate Trainer Process (ATP), as set out below (NB Suppliers do not need ATP approval to tender for this opportunity but this will need to be in place following the award of a contract); • Ensure that all personnel and trainers maintain all appropriate and current qualifications and/or competences necessary; • Promote equality, diversity, and inclusion as per NRs strategy Equity, diversity and inclusion - Network Rail; and • Ensure that its personnel and trainers adhere to the relevant assurances set out in NR standard NR/L2/CTM/202. This standard specifies requirements for the quality assurance of training/assessment organisations and individuals involved in the delivery of training/assessments which award a Network Rail competence which is deemed Safety Critical and requires an 'Authority to Work'. An overview of the NR designed & completed training courses for “Non Destructive Testing” (NDT) are included in the RFI document located on the NR opportunity page on Bravo at View current opportunities and select the link for "Soft-Market Engagement NDT RFI December 2024" Lot 2: Lot 2 - All other courses The purpose of this RFI and soft market testing is to: • Understand the markets capacity and capability to deliver the courses and to further develop the procurement strategy; • Provide potential suppliers the opportunity to give feedback to help inform the refinement of NR’s approach; • Obtain information from the market to understand the market perspective; • Understand the appetite from Small / Medium Enterprises (SME) to consider tendering; and • Understand the appetite from Non Destructive Testing service providers to consider tendering with the use of experts to deliver the training. The responses to this Questionnaire will be synthesised to identify key market themes, to be shared internally with key stakeholders and to further inform the sourcing strategy. This soft market testing is not itself a Call for Competition under the Find a Tender Services (FTS) (whether pursuant to the Public Contracts regulations 2015, the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016, the Concession Contracts Regulations 2r016, or otherwise). NR does not commit itself to commencing any such sourcing process. The supplier must: • Provide high quality training; • Ensure that trainers have enough knowledge of NR and/or the rail industry, and a detailed knowledge of the subject area concerned; • Ensure all trainers are approved as per the Associate Trainer Process (ATP), as set out below (NB Suppliers do not need ATP approval to tender for this opportunity but this will need to be in place following the award of a contract); • Ensure that all personnel and trainers maintain all appropriate and current qualifications and/or competences necessary; • Promote equality, diversity, and inclusion as per NRs strategy Equity, diversity and inclusion - Network Rail; and • Ensure that its personnel and trainers adhere to the relevant assurances set out in NR standard NR/L2/CTM/202. This standard specifies requirements for the quality assurance of training/assessment organisations and individuals involved in the delivery of training/assessments which award a Network Rail competence which is deemed Safety Critical and requires an 'Authority to Work'. An overview of the NR designed & completed training courses for “Non Destructive Testing” (NDT) are included in the RFI document located on the NR opportunity page on Bravo at View current opportunities and select the link for "Soft-Market Engagement NDT RFI December 2024"


Publish date

4 months ago

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Network Rail


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