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Integrated Substance Misuse Service





21,600,000 GBP


This contract is being awarded under the Provider Selection Regime Direct Award Process C and is for an integrated substance misuse service and the integrated delivery model includes the following elements: • Integrated treatment with comprehensive initial assessment • Available to all residents 18 and over • Clinical team • Harm reduction service including testing for Blood Borne Viruses (BBV) and needle exchange • Criminal Justice Workers • Specialist alcohol and drug nurses and recovery workers • Personalised care with tailored treatment options • Detox services, including inpatient and community and residential rehabilitation • Integration with primary care and acute trusts including Alcohol Care Teams and Mental Health services • Open access appointment service Lot 1: A fully integrated substance misuse service. Additional information: The contract is for a core substance misuse service. However there are a number of additional services also built into the contract that are subject to central government grants, and these are: - Supplementary Substance Misuse Treatment & Recovery Grant (SSMTRG) - Individual Placement & Support (IPS) - Changing Futures - Health Inequalities Grant funding for 25/26 and future years for the above additional services is unclear, therefore the contract value is indicative. Should the above grants change or different grant funding is received for the delivery of substance misuse services then this will also be built into this contract.


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a day ago

Award date

a day ago

Buyer information

South Tyneside Borough Council

Karen Dixon

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