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Perimeter Security Guarding Services



Belfast Harbour Commissioners (BHC) requires provision of perimeter security guarding services at Belfast Harbour Estate. The anticipated starting date for service commencement is, following a mobilisation period, 1 January 2026. BHC shall have the discretion to renew the contract term following the expiry of the initial period of three years (commencing on 1 January 2026) by up to four periods of 12 months each. 7 years (84 months) is the maximum duration of the contract. Lot 1: BHC's current requirement for the services, which will be taken on by the successful bidder as at the contract start date comprises the following: (a) manned guarding services at a main access point, which requires full-time deployment of a staff member for 12 hours a day (between 0700 and 1900 hours) during Monday to Friday, in each week of the year; (b) additional manned guarding is required to support marine security legal compliance in accordance with the International Ship and Port Security Code 2004 and Port Security Regulations 2009 (each as amended). This includes the requirement to provide suitable up-scaling of resources at short notice to meet cruise ship and other marine security requirements. Cruise ship support also includes manned resources to support electronic search provision for cruise ship embarkations; and (c) provision of support for the security and safety of public events within Belfast Harbour. Upon contract commencement, the successful bidder shall take on provision of the manned security services outlined above. The successful bidder will be required to manage CCTV and Access Control systems at the manned guarding point and at Temporary Restricted Areas under the ISPS regulations. For the avoidance of doubt, all technology and software required by the Contracting Authority to implement the service will be sourced by the Contracting Authority separately and directly (save that the Contracting Authority may reserve the option, at its discretion, to request bidders to provide a price for supply of radios for personnel providing the services), and does not form part of the remit of this tender. The successful bidder will also be required to provide, for rental by the Contracting Authority throughout the term of the contract, one baggage scanner. The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 and/or the Service Provision Change (Protection of Employment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006) may apply to this procurement and the transfer of staff. BHC gives no guarantee regarding the application of such regulations or not, and Bidders must make their own enquiries and are recommended to seek legal advice. Detailed information regarding the existing staff has been provided by the incumbent operator and is contained in the Invitation to Tender


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Belfast Harbour Commissioners


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