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Responsive Repairs, Voids and Multi Trade Project Works Dynamic Purchasing System (iFlair Consortium/West Central Scotland)



Procurement for Housing wish to establish a DPS for the delivery of responsive repairs, voids and multi trade project works for PfH Members throughout West Central Scotland. It is intended that the DPS will run for an initial period of four years with the option to extend for a further period of up to three years. The estimated value is based on the maximum seven-year period. The opportunity has been divided into six categories as follows: 1. Joinery Repairs 2. Electrical Repairs 3. Plumbing Repairs 4. Voids and Multi Trade Work 5. Out of Hours 6. Specialist Works Organisations can apply to become qualified suppliers in one or more lots. iFlair is a consortium of housing associations in Inverclyde, East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire. It is envisaged that member’s will utilise this DPS for the procurement of contracts to deliver the services defined above based on their individual and/or joint requirements. At the invitation to tender stage PfH Members will define the requirements including tender requirements and specification, delivery model, pricing model and form of contract. Lot 1: Joinery Repairs Delivery of responsive joinery repairs and/or joinery refurbishment works and related planned preventative works. Qualified Contractors may be required to supplement direct labour, or fully manage the end-to-end process of delivering repairs/works on behalf of PfH Members including call handling, repairs diagnostics and work scheduling. The award criteria will be based on quality and price. Weightings will be formulated more precisely within the individual DPS Invitation to Tender contract documentation. Lot 2: Electrical Repairs Delivery of responsive electrical repairs and/or electrical refurbishment works and related planned preventative works. Qualified Contractors may be required to supplement direct labour, or fully manage the end-to-end process of delivering repairs/works on behalf of PfH Members including call handling, repairs diagnostics and work scheduling. The award criteria will be based on quality and price. Weightings will be formulated more precisely within the individual DPS Invitation to Tender contract documentation. Lot 3: Plumbing Repairs Delivery of responsive plumbing repairs and/or plumbing refurbishment works and related planned preventative works. Qualified Contractors may be required to supplement direct labour, or fully manage the end-to-end process of delivering repairs/works on behalf of PfH Members including call handling, repairs diagnostics and work scheduling. The award criteria will be based on quality and price. Weightings will be formulated more precisely within the individual DPS Invitation to Tender contract documentation. Lot 4: Voids and Multi Trade Work Delivery of voids and associated refurbishment and/or minor project works. Qualified Contractors may be required to supplement direct labour, or fully manage the end-to-end process of delivering voids on behalf of PfH Members including call handling, repairs diagnostics and work scheduling. The award criteria will be based on quality and price. Weightings will be formulated more precisely within the individual DPS Invitation to Tender contract documentation. Lot 5: Out of Hours Delivery of emergency responsive repairs requirements for all trades outside of standard working hours on a 365 basis. Qualified Contractors may be required to provide out of hours call handling and repairs diagnostics. The award criteria will be based on quality and price. Weightings will be formulated more precisely within the individual DPS Invitation to Tender contract documentation. Lot 6: Specialist Works Delivery of specialist responsive repairs, refurbishment works and planned/preventative maintenance works. Qualified Contractors may be required to supplement direct labour, or fully manage the end-to-end process of delivering relevant repairs/works on behalf of PfH Members including call handling, repairs diagnostics and work scheduling. The award criteria will be based on quality and price. Weightings will be formulated more precisely within the individual DPS Invitation to Tender contract documentation.


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2 years ago

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Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)

Patricia Conway

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