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UKRI-1106 UKGEOS Borehole Drilling and Civils including Thermal Heat Infrastructure - Cheshire Site





8,234,164.53 GBP


In 2017, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy approved funding for the development of two subsurface scientific research facilities, to be delivered by the British Geological Survey for the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). These first-of-their-kind research facilities will generate knowledge that will contribute to the responsible development of new low-carbon energy technologies both in the UK and internationally. One site in Glasgow is complete and construction of the Cheshire site is yet to commence and is the subject of this procurement activity. This PIN is for the Principal Contractor who will construct the UKGEOS Cheshire Observatory. The observatory is a research field site comprising a novel, highly instrumented borehole array, which will be used to undertake research into thermal storage and other related topics. This opportunity gives the Principal Contractor the opportunity to contribute to a highly unique and specialised project. Lot 1: Design includes 20 boreholes at 100 m depth, fitted with state-of-the-art down-hole scientific instrumentation including thermal loops, fibre optic cable, electrical resistivity sensors and groundwater sampling/pumping installations. Civil works include thermal infrastructure, ducts, headworks, fencing, cabinets, local utility connections and a welfare/data centre cabin, as well as temporary works. The quality of the science to be undertaken is highly dependent on the data obtained during drilling and the quality of the final installation. Quality, workmanship and an endeavour to install the site with the upmost attention is required.


Award date

3 years ago

Publish date

3 years ago

Buyer information

UK Research & Innovation


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