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Extra Care Housing North East Lincolnshire



NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB are seeking early engagement with the Extra Care Housing market for organisations with an interest in developing Extra Care Housing within North East Lincolnshire. Extra care housing, also known as assisted living or retirement living, is a type of housing that offers on-site support to help people live independently in their own homes. It's an alternative to residential care, offering intensive care in the home. Extra Care Housing schemes provide housing with care and support on-site for older people as their needs increase. This on-site support helps them maintain their own home for longer, whilst enjoying a good quality of life. It combines support and independence with safety and security, often meaning people do not have to move as their circumstances change. The support is flexible to respond to individual needs; it can include help with things like cooking meals, personal care (for example washing, getting up or into bed), taking medicine or just getting around. North East Lincolnshire are seeking to expand their current Extra Care Housing offer (currently 2 existing schemes) with a further 2 sites of an additional 160 - 175 units (locations identified for development). The purpose of the market engagement is to raise market awareness of the future procurement, to give an overview of our vision for Extra Care Housing in NEL and to seek further information from the market, specifically: - Models of ECH - rental (social, or other) /ownership, separated/shared services, documentational set up (i.e. nominations), aged or mixed schemes (and benefits/challenges of these). - What is the market's expectation for voids coverage/risk, and timeframes. - How do schemes elsewhere manage the 24/7 care emergency element and the building security, and how is this set up financially - Market appetite and flexibility: step up and step down, provision of the care element in other in area existent schemes, etc. The commissioner intends to contract with a single lead provider for the entirety of the Extra Care Housing development, with further decision making required regarding the desired model relating to housing provider and on-going support. Whilst the successful provider may sub-contract various elements of the service specification to other provider organisations, the commissioners will hold the lead provider to account for all contracted activity. It is anticipated that a formal procurement will begin in Early 2025 with the development start date towards the end of 2025. Organisations are invited to contact H&NYICB via to schedule a one-to-one meeting, either face to face or via Microsoft Teams, between 14 November and 22 December 2024. Lot 1: The commissioner intends to contract with a single lead provider for the entirety of the Extra Care Housing development, with further decision making required regarding the desired model relating to housing provider and on-going support. Whilst the successful provider may sub-contract various elements of the service specification to other provider organisations, the commissioners will hold the lead provider to account for all contracted activity. It is anticipated that a formal procurement will begin in Early 2025 with the development start date towards the end of 2025.


Publish date

4 months ago

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