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Invitation to tender to supply UK Native Wildflower Turf with bio-based netting, plant based – fully



Supply 3,108 m ² of UK Native Wildflower Turf with bio-based netting, plant based – fully biodegradable, plastic free. Turf should preferably of Welsh provenance, but UK provenance shall be considered.Monmouthshire County Council has been successful in obtaining Local Places for Nature funding from Welsh Government to deliver green infrastructure enhancements to create robust ecosystems for wildlife and improve well-being for our local communities. We have identified gaps in wildlife rich habitats within mapped Green Corridors and are changing parts of our multi-user green spaces into native wildflower meadows, planting native trees and mini-orchards to enhance these green spaces for biodiversity and aid in mitigating against climate change.We are using a mixture of planting methods but wish to include some areas of native wildflower turf, as we have found this to work well in some urban areas, where there is a need for the wildflower meadow to establish itself more quickly, due to other urban and environmental pressures.We are now able to purchase the next phase of native wildflower turf for the project, a total area of 3,108 m ²


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a month ago

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29 days ago

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Monmouthshire County Council

Kate Stinchcombe

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