Supported Living Block contracts in Buckinghamshire
Buckinghamshire Council invited tenders for a Care Quality Commission (CQC) Registered Provider to provide block supported living care and support Services at three establishments in Aylesbury. The Service requirements for the support and care were divided into three Lots and organisations were able to bid for 1 or more Lot. The Council required the Provider(s) to provide high quality and person-centred care and support for people assessed by the Council or in exceptional circumstance the Integrated Care Board (ICB) as being eligible for health and social care support under the provisions of The Care Act 2014 and The National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS Funded Nursing Care 2022 The ownership of the properties is split between 2 Registered Landlords, it being a prerequisite for the contract award that the successful provider entered into agreements with these landlords for the purpose of using office accommodation (where this is available), and (where this is necessary) delivering housing management functions, on site. The Provider will deliver services via its support workers based at the locations 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including bank holidays and public holidays as required All services include the provision of Shared support for daytime hours, additional support and all include a minimum of sleeping cover for night-time hours. The Provider was required to have a good track record and be rated by CQC as ‘Good’ or above in 50% of their registered service portfolio or be rated ‘Good’ or above if they only have one other service. The Provider will ensure that all Staff have a new Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check carried out prior to undertaking work with Service Users and shall renew existing staff checks at regular intervals in line with guidance from the DBS service. Staff will be required to have the highest level of DBS check in accordance with the safe and fair recruitment guide set by Skills for Care. The Council was of the opinion that TUPE may apply. The services required fall under Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015). As a result, this procurement is undertaken under the 'Light Touch Regime' as detailed in Section 7 of PCR 2015. Lot 1: The Elms Block Contract The Elms offers 28 self-contained flats providing Extra Care accommodation for up to 30 residents (includes two 2-person flats) over 55 years of age with a primary support reason of Mental Health. It is located within a mile of Aylesbury town centre. The Service will operate 2 models of support. All Services in Lots 1, 2 and 3 will operate a model of ‘Shared Supported Living’ (SSL). The Provider’s support workers will be based at the Service 24 hours a day 365 days a year and provide Shared Hours (core) support during the day. Sleeping Night support will be provided at each Service in line with assessed needs of the Service Users. The Provider may also be required to provide Waking Night Support if requested by the Council, if a change to a Service User’s assessed needs requires it. Additional Hours will be provided where a Service User has been assessed as needing Additional Hours Support over and above what is provided by the Shared Hours (core) support. Additional information: The contract value is 5.8M for the 5 years initial term and the 5 years extension period. Lot 2: Willow House Block Contract Willow House offers 11 self-contained flats providing Supported Living accommodation for residents over 50 years of age with a Learning Disability. It is within short walking distance of Aylesbury town centre. Shared sleeping night and daytime staffing is available, providing 24-hour support. All Services in Lots 1, 2 and 3 will operate a model of ‘Shared Supported Living’ (SSL). The Provider’s support workers will be based at the Service 24 hours a day 365 days a year and provide Shared Hours (core) support during the day. Sleeping Night support will be provided at each Service in line with assessed needs of the Service Users. The Provider may also be required to provide Waking Night Support if requested by the Council, if a change to a Service User’s assessed needs requires it. Additional Hours will be provided where a Service User has been assessed as needing Additional Hours Support over and above what is provided by the Shared Hours (core) support. Additional information: The contract value is 3.4M for the 5 years initial term and the 5 years extension period. Lot 3: Seabrook Court Block Contract Seabrook Court offers 20 self-contained flats providing supported living accommodation for adults over 18 years with a Learning Disability. It is within short walking distance of Aylesbury town centre. Shared sleeping night and daytime staffing is available, providing 24-hour support. All Services in Lots 1, 2 and 3 will operate a model of ‘Shared Supported Living’ (SSL). The Provider’s support workers will be based at the Service 24 hours a day 365 days a year and provide Shared Hours (core) support during the day. Sleeping Night support will be provided at each Service in line with assessed needs of the Service Users. The Provider may also be required to provide Waking Night Support if requested by the Council, if a change to a Service User’s assessed needs requires it. Additional Hours will be provided where a Service User has been assessed as needing Additional Hours Support over and above what is provided by the Shared Hours (core) support. Additional information: The contract value is 3.8M for the 5 years initial term and the 5 years extension period.
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6 days ago
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