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CORRIGENDUM to Remote Sensor Network PIN



16,500,000 GBP


The Ministry of Defence requires a prime contract to manufacture, test and support multiple Remote Sensor Networks. The purpose of RSN is to monitor and maintain a variety of outputs for a military user group. The core of the requirement will be known at contract award and includes support to the existing equipment set. The remainder of the requirement and deliverables shall be defined over the course of the contract to address emerging requirements that shall be contracted through a tasking procedure. We expect to contract with a prime contractor who has the capability and reach-back to take advantage of emergent, innovative capability across the market. The classification of the requirement is up to and including SECRET UK EYES ONLY. Therefore the Prime Contractor will be required to hold Facility Security Clearance. 2. Procurement Timescales & Contract Value. The estimated value range of the Contract is between £15M-£18M over a 5 to 7-year period with potential contract commencing July 2024. 3. Early Engagement and Market Intelligence The Authority is particularly interested in understanding the capabilities in the market to help inform the development of the requirement. Please provide a brief of up to 750 words detailing your capability and potential solutions to the requirement along with any potential risks/issues that the Authority should consider. Your brief should be addressed to Please provide your brief no later than 7 April 2023. This information shall not be used by the Authority to down-select but shall help inform the development of the requirement and contracting strategy only. 4. Contract Notice and Pre-Qualification The Authority intends to publish a Contract Notice and initiate Supplier Selection in April 2023. Full details on how to express your interest in this requirement shall be published in the Contract Notice. 5. Further Information You must not take this announcement to mean confirmation that MOD shall award a contract for this requirement. The MOD is publishing this announcement without any commitment to issue a tender or place a contract. Accordingly, any expenditure, work or effort undertaken before contract award is a matter solely for the commercial judgement of potential suppliers.


Publish date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Ministry of Defence

Attn: Macsadjo Princess

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