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Medical Cover for Brookfield Intermediate Care Centre in St Helens



390,912 GBP


NHS Midlands and Lancashire is working on behalf of Cheshire & Merseyside ICB who wish to procure a Medical Cover Service for the Brookfield Centre, St Helens. The Brookfield Centre provides Intermediate Care Provision in St Helens. In St Helens Place, the ICB uses the Kings Fund definition of Intermediate Care as its working definition, which is: "A short-term intervention to preserve the independence of people who might otherwise face unnecessarily prolonged hospital stays or inappropriate admissions to hospital or residential care. The care is person centred, focused on rehabilitation, and delivered by a combination of professionals." There are 30 beds at Brookfield, and they are classed as Level 3 community beds and can be used for step up or step down provision. Brookfield is registered with CQC as a residential care home and managed by St Helens Local Authority with therapy and nursing in reach from a Community NHS Provider. Brookfield is not a commissioned Health service. Brookfield delivers bed-based support and reablement for individuals who are medically optimised / clinically suitable to be cared for in a residential home setting with their medical needs met by primary care as if they were in their own home. The contract that is to be awarded is for the medical cover of the individuals who are residing at the Brookfield Centre in St Helens. Lot 1: NHS Midlands and Lancashire is working on behalf of Cheshire & Merseyside ICB who wish to procure a Medical Cover Service for the Brookfield Centre, St Helens. The contract that is to be awarded is for the medical cover of the individuals who are residing at the Brookfield Centre in St Helens. The aim of the clinical service is to provide an enhanced proactive and responsive model of clinical cover to the 30 users of Brookfield during the in-hours period of 8am - 6:30pm from Monday to Friday. The service does not have to be provided by a GP but access to a GP is essential to enable nurses to escalate concerns and receive clinical supervision. The contract is to be awarded for a start date of 1st July 2025 for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend for a further 1-year period. The value of the contract is £97,728 per annum with a total of £390,912 over the total 4-year period. Contract Award Criteria is as follows: Evaluation Process Evaluation of submitted bids will be managed in two tiers: Tier 1: Due Diligence Questionnaire and Pricing - (pass/fail). A provider will only be taken through to evaluation of their offer if they successfully pass all Due Diligence and Pricing questions. Tier 2: Evaluation using the key criteria as detailed in Section II.2.5.


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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB

Helen Graham

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