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Human Resources & Corporate Consultancy Service



Effectushr Ltd


The National Library of Wales ('the Library') is inviting tenders from qualified and experienced providers to provide the organisation with a first class Human Resources and Corporate Consultancy Service. The Library has an effective and efficient human resources unit but occasionally needs additional support in addressing specific projects and other day-to-day issues where the more objective views and advice of an experienced consultant would be useful. The support will therefore be provided to the in-house Management Team and Human Resources Manager as required.Mae Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru (‘y Llyfrgell’) yn gwahodd tendrau gan ddarparwyr cymwys a phrofiadol ar gyfer darparu Gwasanaeth Ymgynghoriaeth Adnoddau Dynol a Chyfundrefn Gorfforaethol o’r radd flaenaf i’r sefydliad. Mae gan y Llyfrgell uned adnoddau dynol effeithiol ac effeithlon ond o bryd i’w gilydd y mae angen cefnogaeth ychwanegol wrth fynd i’r afael â phrosiectau penodol a materion eraill a gyfyd o ddydd i ddydd ble fyddai barn a chyngor mwy gwrthrychol ymgynghorydd profiadol yn ddefnyddiol. Felly, bydd y gefnogaeth yn cael ei darparu i’r Tîm Rheoli a’r Rheolwr Adnoddau mewnol yn ôl yr angen.


Award date

8 months ago

Publish date

7 months ago

Buyer information

The National Library of Wales

Annwen Isaac

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