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Analysis of Very Low Active and Environmental Samples



96,000,000 GBP


Analytical Services provides an essential service in support of Sellafield Operations which in accordance with its Site Licence Conditions requires Sellafield to report to the regulatory bodies e.g., Environmental Agency (EA) and demonstrate the use of Best Available Technology (BAT) and As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) for the management of effluent and other waste activities which are key to delivery of the Sellafield Ltd mission. The site is envisaged to have a demand for analytical services until 2110.<br/><br/>Sellafield Ltd has therefore a requirement for suitably experienced and qualified service providers(s) to undertake Very Low Active (VLA) Analytical services in support of Sellafield site Operations. The service is to consist of sample receipt and transportation, storage, analyses, reporting and waste disposal.<br/><br/>The estimated value of the contract scope of work is £56m - £96m, and the contract duration is to be 8 years.<br/><br/>The current supply chain contractual arrangements for Very Low Active Analytical Services include:<br/>- Environmental, Low Active Radiological, Dosimetry and Chemical analyses<br/><br/>Current contractual arrangements are due to expire and Sellafield Ltd will be undertaking a procurement exercise for the continued provision of these services. Lot 1: Analytical Services provides an essential service in support of Sellafield Operations which in accordance with its Site Licence Conditions requires Sellafield to report to the regulatory bodies e.g., Environmental Agency (EA) and demonstrate the use of Best Available Technology (BAT) and As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) for the management of effluent and other waste activities which are key to delivery of the Sellafield Ltd mission. The site is envisaged to have a demand for analytical services until 2110.<br/><br/>Sellafield Ltd has therefore a requirement for suitably experienced and qualified service providers(s) to undertake Very Low Active (VLA) Analytical services in support of Sellafield site Operations. The service is to consist of sample receipt and transportation, storage, analyses, reporting and waste disposal.<br/><br/>The estimated value of the contract scope of work is £56m - £96m, and the contract duration is to be 8 years.<br/><br/>The current supply chain contractual arrangements for Very Low Active Analytical Services include:<br/>- Environmental, Low Active Radiological, Dosimetry and Chemical analyses<br/><br/>Current contractual arrangements are due to expire and Sellafield Ltd will be undertaking a procurement exercise for the continued provision of these services.<br/><br/>Parties who are interested in potentially submitting a tender for this opportunity are requested to register on the shared service Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) OneNDA eCommercial Systems powered by Atamis (Atamis), which can be accessed via the URL Parties who register on this system should then register against Atamis Project C22624 in order to access the Analysis of Very Low Active and Environmental Samples opportunity in order to:<br/><br/>- view the procurement and tender documents,<br/>- ask questions or request further information using the inbuilt messaging facility; and<br/>- submit your tender response. Additional information: Parties who are interested in potentially submitting a tender for this opportunity are requested to register on the shared service Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) OneNDA eCommercial Systems powered by Atamis (Atamis), which can be accessed via the URL Parties who register on this system should then register against Atamis Project C22624 in order to access the Analysis of Very Low Active and Environmental Samples opportunity in order to:<br/><br/>- view the procurement and tender documents,<br/>- ask questions or request further information using the inbuilt messaging facility; and<br/>- submit your tender response


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Sellafield Ltd


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