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Provision of IBM SPSS Licences and Support





1,946,709.41 GBP


BlueLight Commercial Ltd (the "Authority") intends to enter into an agreement with IBM United Kingdom Limited (the "Supplier") for the provision of IBM SPSS licences and support for IBM SPSS Products. The Authority is entering into this contract as a national contracting body for UK Policing and wider public sector agencies who have expressed an interest in participating in a single contract ("User Organisations"). This software is used by the User Organisations for the development and presentation of complex statistical data analysis. User Organisation utilise the software for a variety of purposes such as predictive crime analysis, user research and statistical model production. The proposed contract is for a period of three years. Lot 1: The Authority intends to enter into an agreement with the Supplier for the provision of licences and support for IBM SPSS Software only. The proposed contract is for a period of three years and has a total anticipated value of 1,946,709.41 GBP excluding VAT. The main items / services to be provided by the Supplier shall include the following: • The provision of IBM Software Subscription and Support for on-premise installations of IBM SPSS software based on the requirements of the User Organisations. • The re-instatement of Software Subscription and Support Coverage for lapsed coverage. • The provision of SPSS software-specific support to resolve incidents and bugs identified by User Organisations in their day-to-day usage of the SPSS software. • Access for User Organisations to ongoing updates of the IBM SPSS products in use. The value of the procurement noted at II.1.7 above is up to £1,946,709.41. This is made up of: • The contract price; • Indexation; • Potential downstream additional licences;


Publish date

a month ago

Award date

a month ago

Buyer information

BlueLight Commercial

Jake Laurie

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