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DoF LPS Valuation Delivery Partner Project



90,000,000 GBP


Land and Property Services (LPS) is the statutory authority responsible for assessing and collecting property taxation in Northern Ireland. LPS is gearing up for a significant digital transformation aimed at enhancing its property valuation processes. In NI there are in the region of 825,500 Domestic properties, 72,000 Non-Domestic properties and 2,700 properties that contain an element of both domestic and non-domestic. The Directorate also provides a full range of non-rating valuation services to the public sector in Northern Ireland. LPS advises authorities on disposal and acquisition of land, market valuations and property advice, and both before and after valuations for vesting, on all aspects of compulsory purchase and negotiate compensation claims on their behalf. Valuation Services provides valuations (capital and rental) of land and property for a wide range of purposes, including calculations for assessment of benefits and business planning. The specific aims and objectives of this Valuation Delivery Partner Project are to: • implement a digital solution and service operating model which provides ICT functionality and business processes (including automated business processes) to support users to undertake the range of Valuation Services; • ensure that the procured ICT digital solution is flexible and adaptable to support future changes in business needs, supports data driven decision making, business process automation and is monitored and updated over time to embrace new technology that improves the user experience; • ensure the procured ICT digital solution is user friendly, customer-focused, geospatially enabled, supports web-based technologies, digital self-service platforms and provides a range of digital first ICT functionality that is capable of integrating with public facing applications (e.g. contact centre services, portals, 3rd party payment engines, authentication tools), line of business applications and back-office functions that supports intuitive and efficient case management and self-service offering the potential for delivering citizen centric public services; and • ensure the procured ICT solution provides Application Programme Interfaces (API’s) to allow integration with other LPS ICT systems and databases, government services and external systems, adopts an event driven architecture approach and complies with the wider Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) ‘digital first’ policy. Lot 1: Land and Property Services (LPS) is the statutory authority responsible for assessing and collecting property taxation in Northern Ireland. LPS is gearing up for a significant digital transformation aimed at enhancing its property valuation processes. In NI there are in the region of 825,500 Domestic properties, 72,000 Non-Domestic properties and 2,700 properties that contain an element of both domestic and non-domestic. The Directorate also provides a full range of non-rating valuation services to the public sector in Northern Ireland. LPS advises authorities on disposal and acquisition of land, market valuations and property advice, and both before and after valuations for vesting, on all aspects of compulsory purchase and negotiate compensation claims on their behalf. Valuation Services provides valuations (capital and rental) of land and property for a wide range of purposes, including calculations for assessment of benefits and business planning. The specific aims and objectives of this Valuation Delivery Partner Project are to: • implement a digital solution and service operating model which provides ICT functionality and business processes (including automated business processes) to support users to undertake the range of Valuation Services; • ensure that the procured ICT digital solution is flexible and adaptable to support future changes in business needs, supports data driven decision making, business process automation and is monitored and updated over time to embrace new technology that improves the user experience; • ensure the procured ICT digital solution is user friendly, customer-focused, geospatially enabled, supports web-based technologies, digital self-service platforms and provides a range of digital first ICT functionality that is capable of integrating with public facing applications (e.g. contact centre services, portals, 3rd party payment engines, authentication tools), line of business applications and back-office functions that supports intuitive and efficient case management and self-service offering the potential for delivering citizen centric public services; and • ensure the procured ICT solution provides Application Programme Interfaces (API’s) to allow integration with other LPS ICT systems and databases, government services and external systems, adopts an event driven architecture approach and complies with the wider Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) ‘digital first’ policy. Additional information: The estimated contract value indicated in Section II.1.5 and II.2.6 represents the potential value of the contract over the maximum contract period which ranges from £75,000,000 GBP to £90,000,000 GBP exclusive of VAT. This is an estimated range only and the Department reserves the right to award for a lower or higher amount. This range reflects the potential scale of the contract and takes into account changes and potential modifications to the contract that may be required that could not be identified or foreseen at the time of this procurement exercise but which are complementary to the services to be provided to ensure that the Valuation operational service is maintained, upgraded and enhanced over its lifetime. It is envisaged that such modifications would be made without requiring a new procurement procedure in accordance with Regulation 72 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This range does not however take into account the application of indexation or increases to charges due to increases in the Real Living Wage. Neither CPD nor the Contracting Authority can provide any guarantee as to the level of business under this contract. The Contracting Authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Economic Operators remain responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by them or by any third party acting under instructions from the Economic Operator in connection with taking part in this procurement process regardless of whether such costs arise as a consequence, directly or indirectly of any amendments made to the procurement documents by the Contracting Authority at any time. No legally binding contract shall arise (and an Economic Operator shall have no legitimate expectation that a contract will be entered into) until such time as entry into the Contract has been confirmed by the Contracting Authority. Economic Operators should note that all dates, time periods and figures in relation to values and volumes specified in this notice and the procurement documents are approximate only and the Contracting Authority reserves the right to change any or all of them. Additional CPV codes are:.48800000-Information systems and servers. 48200000-Networking, Internet and intranet software package. 48220000 : Internet and intranet software package. 48300000 : Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software package. 48310000 : Document creation software package. 48318000 : Scanner software package. 48320000 : Drawing and imaging software package. 48326000 : Mapping software package. 48326100 : Digital mapping system. 48329000 : Imaging and archiving system. 48600000 : Database and operating software package. 48610000 : Database systems. 48611000 : Database software package. 48612000 : Database-management system. 48810000-Information systems. 48000000-Software package and information systems.48442000-Financial systems software package. 48900000-Miscellaneous software package and computer systems


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