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Rubrik Hardware and Support Upgrade



Softcat PLC


244,477.94 GBP


Hywel Dda Health Board ("HDUHB") has awarded a contract to renew their Rubrik Backup Storage Licences across the Health Board. The agreement includes premium software and support to facilitate the identification of the blast radius of an attack, discover sensitive data to prevent exfiltration risk, scan for malware to avoid reinfection, orchestrate application recovery, and ultimately remain up to date on Rubrik’s latest innovations in cyber-resilience. These features are all vital for protecting HDUHBs data which is mainly confidential patient information and leaks of such data could have catastrophic effects.The Software is designed to address the complexities of managing and protecting large-scale unstructured files and objects, whilst delivering exceptional performance at scale, offering ten times the speed of Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP). The solution has the ability to detect ransomware-impacted files and uncover sensitive data exposure to ensure organisations can overcome the growth of challenges presented by unstructured data, combat ransomware threats, and ensure rapid Network Attached Storage (NAS) data recovery. These licences are an essential element of the Digital Teams Cyber Resilience Strategy.The National Procurement Service (NPS) IT Products and Services (ii) framework agreement (NPS-ICT-0094-19) is compliant with UK/EU procurement legislation. The framework The framework included several potential providers who have achieved inclusion on the framework following a qualification process and procurement approached the one (1) supplier with links to the Welsh economy alongside the incumbent supplier.


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

NHS Wales - Shared Services Partnership

Josh Wood

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