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Provision of Lloyd George Record Digitisation Services - Lot 1 – Scanning Services to NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin



Iron Mountain (UK) PLC


137,474.75 GBP


The GP Contract requires that by 2022/23, Lloyd George notes will be digitised and patients will have access to their records. A Dynamic Purchasing System was established in 2020 to ensure that CCGs can award contracts to suitably qualified and experienced suppliers who can deliver against this requirement, whilst keeping the burden to practices to a minimum. NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin have awarded a contract, under the LG DPS, to deliver their Lloyd George Record Digitisation Services Lot 1: The LG patient record comprises of the LG envelope and the contents, which is an important part of the patient’s historical medical record. Each Lloyd George envelope has a broad range of detailed personal information stored inside and maintaining the security accuracy, availability and integrity of these legacy records is vital. The handling of these records needs particular care; the paper records can be up to 70 years old and some records are fragile and in a poor state, coupled with the fact the information they hold is vital and paramount for safe medical practice. The lack of continuity and resilience within the paper record poses a risk to the ongoing, continuity of person-centred care.. There is a legal requirement to keep the full patients record for a minimum of 10 years after the death of a patient. There are four primary reasons for digitisation of Lloyd George records: • safer care for patients • release of space within practices to provide additional consultation areas • access to the full patient record at the point of care • GP Contract commitments to digitise all Lloyd George patient records by March 2022. This procurement followed a competitive tender using the NHS England and NHS Improvement Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) (OJEU Reference 2020/S 152-373617) which was established by the NHS England and NHS Improvement National Commercial and Procurement Hub as a route to awarding contracts for Lloyd George Record Digitisation Services. It is compliant with the public procurement regulations and public authority standing financial instructions. To note, the tender is caught in the scope of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 – Regulation 34: Dynamic Purchasing Systems. NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin have awarded a contract to deliver their Lloyd George Record Digitisation Services This procurement process was facilitated by the NHS England National and Commercial Procurement Hub (commissioned from the SCW CSU) on behalf of the Commissioners


Publish date

3 years ago

Award date

3 years ago

Buyer information

NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Board

Garry Mitchell

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