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Contract for the Provision of Parking Management Services



7,500,000 GBP


The Councils are seeking to appoint an enforcement Contractor via this procurement exercise, to deliver off street parking enforcement and associated tasks such as, but not exclusively, cash collection, surface and multi storey car park management. Each Council will manage and oversee the strategic & operational aspects of their own Contracts. The intention is that this procurement will operate on a schedule of rates, which will be applied to both parking enforcement and car park management. Lot 1: Cannock Chase District Council Cannock Chase District Council is seeking to appoint an Enforcement Supplier via this procurement exercise, to deliver off street parking enforcement and associated tasks such as cash collections and banking within the district. The intention is that this procurement will operate on a fixed schedule of rates for the services included within the pricing schedule. The range of Services to be provided covers most aspects of car parking management. The proposed commencement date for the provision of the Services is April 2025 with the term of the contract being an initial five (5) years and a further extension period of five (5) years. The Council wishes to appoint a Supplier to provide and manage a range of parking related services. The proposed Services will relate to off-street enforcement and related activities. The Services will also include supply of the necessary IT hardware and software required to correctly issue and upload PCNs onto the back-office notice processing system operated by Stoke on Trent City Council. The Supplier will be required to provide accommodation to deliver the service to the Council. Other related services will also be required, where they have a close connection with the enforcement aspects. A brief overview of the requirements for this contract are listed below: • Enforcement on Council Car Parks and Service Areas • Issuance of Penalty Charge Notices to include the provision of all Equipment and Stationery • Cash Collection from Pay & Display Machines, to include for Counting, Processing and Banking • First Line Maintenance to Pay & Display Ticket Machines to include the supply of Pay and Display Tickets • Provision of Pay & Display Machine Fault Telephone Line • Other requirements as detailed in the Specification Lot 2: Stafford Borough Council The Council is seeking to appoint an enforcement Contractor via this procurement exercise, to deliver off street parking enforcement and associated tasks such as, but not exclusively, cash collection, surface and multi storey car park management. The Council will manage the strategic and oversee the operational aspects of the Contract. The intention is that this procurement will operate on a schedule of rates, which will be applied to both parking enforcement and car park management. The primary role of the Contractor is to provide a high quality off-street parking enforcement and car park management service jointly with Council staff and other suppliers (including but not limited to cash collection, IT managed services, other service providers and enforcement agents). The Contractor should ensure scope for giving CEOs a broad remit to include providing relevant support to help deal with other duties which the Council may request that the CEO undertakes as part of their normal duty under differing legislation. Best described as a multi-tasking enforcement approach and tasks should/may not be limited to those listed in the contract documents as the ethos is to deliver services to meet changing needs both in the enforcement of parking regulations or otherwise to stakeholders during the term of this contract. Lot 3: Lichfield District Council Lichfield District Council are seeking to appoint an Enforcement Supplier via this procurement exercise, to deliver off street parking enforcement and associated tasks such as, but not exclusively, cash collection, surface and multi storey car park management. The Council will manage the operational aspects of the contract and the intention is that this procurement will operate on a fixed schedule of rates, which will be applied to both parking enforcement and car park management. The proposed commencement date for the provision of the Services is April 2025. The Council wishes to appoint a Supplier to provide and manage a range of parking related services. The proposed Services will relate to off-street enforcement and related activities. The Services will also include supply of the necessary IT hardware and software required to correctly issue and upload PCNs onto the Suppliers own IT system. The Supplier will be required to provide accommodation to deliver the service. Other related services will also be required, where they have a close connection with the enforcement aspects. A brief overview of the requirements for this contract are listed below: • Enforcement on Council Car Parks and Service Areas • Issuance of Penalty Charge Notices to include the provision of all Equipment and Stationery • Cash Collection from Pay & Display Machines, to include for Counting, Processing and Banking • First Line Maintenance to Pay & Display Ticket Machines and pay on exit (multi storey) equipment (barriers, cameras and machines). Also to include the supply of Pay and Display and pay on exit Tickets for all machines. • Provision of Pay & Display Machine Fault Telephone Line • Provision and manning of a 24hr telephone line for car park exit barrier operation with back-office support for vehicle and payment checking • Collection of income from Penalty Charge Notices • For the avoidance of doubt The Processing of Penalty Charge Notices does not form part of this tender. • Other requirements as detailed in the Specification.


Publish date

8 months ago

Close date

7 months ago

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Cannock Chase District Council

Laura Kendall

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