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Q1407 - Provision of Period Products



Tenders are sought for the purchase of a range of single-use and reusable menstrual products (Period Dignity) for BCBC.We require a variety of sizes and styles: A range of eco-friendly and plastic free disposable (single-use and reusable) products (excluding tampons) – Up to the value £25,000, which includes delivery and must not be exceeded.We require the following in a variety of sizes and styles: A range of eco-friendly and plastic free disposable products (excluding tampons). Value must not exceed £25,000 in total (inclusive of delivery) broken down into the following:• £10,000 – plastic free single-use menstrual pads (split 50:50 between day and night pads)• £1,000 – plastic free single-use liners• £5,000 - reusable menstrual pads. We require a variety of sizes and styles as detailed in the pricing schedule: A range of reusable pads (day, night and packs of multiples) to suit both children and young people from 8 to 25 years old.• £4,000 - reusable menstrual pants. We require a variety of sizes and styles: A range of reusable pants (classic briefs or equivalent, bikini or equivalent, boxer or equivalent) so suit both children and young people from 8 to 25 years old.• £5,000 - Menstrual cups. Sizes to suit both children and young people from 8 to 25 years old.Based on this value, please can you detail your unit and case prices on the required products you are able to supply using the pricing schedule. The evaluation will be based on bidder's response to how many we can acquire for a value of £25,000 comparing pack size, case size, case cost (£) and unit cost (£) for each bid.We require all items to be delivered and invoiced by 31st March 2025, however, we are looking to order these goods as soon as possible and we will be evaluating the delivery via the method statement questions.In responding to this brief, bidders must be able to deliver and invoice to our main offices (Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB) no later than the end of March 2025 as detailed above.Applicants will need to submit their tender of what can be supplied for the values outlined above. These will then be evaluated prior to successful applicant being awarded contract.NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at (WA Ref:145900)


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Bridgend County Borough Council

Laura Ashton

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